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Everything posted by zork

  1. The one on npr, i believe, was written by a sr staffer in AOC's office. so not fake, no R conspiracy, but possibly mistaken and wrongly put up too soon by AOC's staff.
  2. Get the kind that have the poles built in, quick release type I believe, and just need to be easily put up and then a few stakes around the edge. They are about 30% more than the old kind but well worth it after you spend about 15 minutes checking out how to put them up. They go up, and come down, much quicker than the old kind. buy a tarp, the gray not blue, that is about 25% bigger than the floor of your new tent. Situate it such that the extra part is like a front porch of your tent. Leave a bit of the tarp on the uphill side exposed so you can flap it up in case of rain to allow any impromptu water to run under or around your tent. Keeps your tent cleaner as well.
  3. edit: see for yourself on the NPR site: https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=5729035-Green-New-Deal-FAQ
  4. wtf.gif anyone care to explain that?
  5. I bought an LL Bean rain jacket like this one on clearance about 10 years ago. Except it also had a fleece inner jacket you could take out or put in as needed. It has been awesome, nice quality. The closest thing I can find now is just the rain jacket part that looks like this: jacket above, no liner obviously: https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/117853?page=traverse-tekcotton-jacket&bc=12-26-593-504714&feat=504714-GN2&csp=a&attrValue_0=Vintage Olive all mens rain jackets: https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/506675?page=mens-rain-jackets-and-hard-shells&csp=a&bc=12-26-593-504714&sort_field=Relevance&start=1&viewCount=48&nav=ln-504714 all womens rain jackets: https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/506593?page=womens-rain-jackets&csp=a&bc=12-27-610-504728&sort_field=Relevance&start=1&viewCount=48&nav=ln-504728
  6. many decades ago when I was a teen it was one cotton ball per morning and one tilt of the bottle of this and a wipe down of face cheeks and especially around the nose:(back then it was "10-O-6") https://www.amazon.com/Formula-Original-Totally-Facial-Astringents/dp/B003HD04DK/ref=asc_df_B003HD04DK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312029476455&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15102803479254497704&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027197&hvtargid=pla-598587084164&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61916106637&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312029476455&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15102803479254497704&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027197&hvtargid=pla-598587084164
  7. Texasman your avatar needs her own thread, a shrine so to speak, so the image of those tittays is never lost.
  8. Everyone may have heard about Elvis' love of peanut butter and banana sandwiches, right? Maybe fried of the same. Just ran across a site the refers to a sandwich and story about him flying across country to get some one night: https://www.messynessychic.com/2015/09/15/elvis-presleys-legendary-midnight-sandwich-run-on-his-private-jet/ Here is what it looks like: Holy shit that looks good although I have never had PBJ and bacon I have had many a jelly biscuit with bacon over the years. Here is how you make it: Decadence, hillbilly style. The main site from this story is quite entertaining of off beat items, people, locations, etc, etc. https://www.messynessychic.com/
  9. growing out a beard for a couple weeks always helped me, natural oils or whatnot.
  10. I thought his two strongest points were that she misrepresented the dark money by 500%(just for reference it is a big gaffe) and that Congress is largely responsible for making the laws, and therefore the circumstances, she is complaining, pointing out what is known for the most part, about. She is bringing about conversation throwing molotov verbals. We'll see if Pelosi and the rest clean her up like the guys in the white coats do here as she hits the normal DC way of doing things brick wall:
  11. didn't see this part linked
  12. zork

    Tax reform

    I would say a $2k lump sum that you were not expecting, tax refund let us say, would be significant to a person with a $70k gross salary. edit: 3 or 4 car payments, 1-1.5 months rent, cable or cell phone or maybe both for a year, etc, etc. Significant doesn't mean lottery or life changing to me.
  13. zork

    Tax reform

    ~$2k on $70k income is significant.(per Brew's example above)
  14. "Civility" = capitulation, right Hank?(your words, not mine)
  15. Latinas can't have horse teeth, crazy horse face? Check out the S. Huckabee thread for those goalkeeping for AOC, calling for higher standards, here or with the giant fatty from Georgia. Don't see any negging of the looks criticism for "Huckabeef", or her birth condition that caused her slanted/crooked eyes, etc, etc. Be consistent or STFU. yep
  16. dude can shoot it.
  17. The Clinton NK war thing was a bit shocking.
  18. whynotboth.gif paired with allofit.gif We taught ours, now 9 and 11, to hammer all of the + - * / facts. Then, each new teacher was to be treated as a person with a new perspective, if not just slightly different, on the topics and strategies of + - * / as they cycle through the years. Be sure to do as each teacher instructs, show your work always, and double check your work with your hammered facts. Another thing is that in the elementary age years they are given plenty of time to do the work and almost another set of time. So be diligent to double-check your work. We used flash cards in K and 1st for + and - . Then began early/mid second with multiplication that wasn't really asked for till 3rd by the public schools here in DFW. Teach them the anything x 10 you add a zero. Anything x 0 is 0. Anything / by itself is 1. Counting by 2's is just like multiplying by 2's to an extent. Counting by 5's, by 10's. All makes it easy if you can just do it and shows them early on when you compare 5x5 to 5+5+5+5+5 how it is interrelated just like 25/5=5. That * and / are the same 3 numbers just in a different order, so to speak. Math at elementary level is finite, always an answer that never changes which is beautiful. Girls, Boys, makes no difference since it is cool and you are giving them the practice at home to kill it at school. Then starting in 3rd grade when there are only 5 questions on the quiz how important it is to get every one correct since missing one is an 80. TLDR: Rote math helps get the fundamentals and more time to think about what each individual math teacher is saying so they can focus on the potentially slightly different strategy of their new teacher while already understanding the basic concepts from their home practice.
  19. Seems like it would take her longer to freeze with all that padding.
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