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Everything posted by zork

  1. And then the OAN hottie wears an OSU shirt as a troll or fun gesture back at Gundy. It is pretty good use of the shirt and convenient that Trump was in Tulsa to make it easier to pull off, be seen. While I posted it more for her relative hotness, the shirt was well played by her. I ended up posting that full length pic of her in the Gundy football board thread as well answering the tweet that mentioned it with a less flattering pic.
  2. compare that to this prediction/recording of the magnetic pole changes for 2020:(pretty eerie ifyou ask me, magnetic pole science is scary(apparently)) Very informative article at this link: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/world-magnetic-model-2020-released Another image from a different perspective:
  3. SIAP: Yale re-named for slave trader. (in the year 1718) Never knew that. Should anything be done about it given the current climate of change? At least tear down, or remove, the statue for goodness sakes? Article from 2016:(behind paywall) https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-college-formerly-known-as-yale-1470698364 Pub in Wales named after him: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8436535/Wetherspoon-pub-named-Elihu-Yale-faces-calls-change-links-slave-trade.html NYT discusses Yale history in 2015(behind paywall) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/12/nyregion/yale-in-debate-over-calhoun-college-grapples-with-ties-to-slavery.html Does anything change for Yale?
  4. Larry Elder discusses his new movie. It is not a short clip.(just less than an hour) There are some interesting things in there from my perspective but some will cry OAN statistics(and that's fair-/Mack Brown). He discusses his experiences that may be uncomfortable for many. It is a different perspective for sure. One of the most interesting stats, from a never seen it quantified before, was from an article concerning amount of time spent on homework, by race. And then seeing it compared to what is known about putting in the work to be successful at sports. I haven't seen the movie that was apparently released yesterday.
  5. I listed a few things, in post #2237 of this thread, that would help Black people directly affiliated with the University of Texas now and going forward. It won't be up to me as just one member of the alumni to implement them. We should set the standard. Thee large amount I suggest is due to the need to have income from it to continue the proposed program. Setting the highest standard of help to foster trust within and beyond the black community at UT and what happens if you decide to become a part of UT as a black individual. The asks from the black community at Texas are reasonable and the endowment of the help for that community at Texas would solidify the response for now and going forward.
  6. There is a pretty large, unless your relative was really rich, threshold to cross before inherited funds/value trigger taxable events IIRC and I am not an accountant nor lawyer. You can inherit x amount before it becomes taxable. However, the trust issue might complicate things a bit. Hmm, maybe not: inherited trust funds and taxes You can discuss the forms required to get the investment disbursed with the company holding the funds/investments. Because they will want you to have each person recieving funds/investments fill the form out at minimum to determine if any withholding needs to happen and each of them sign it so all know whether withholding happened or not. So when it comes time for tax returns the amounts and any withholding or not (if the totals don't go over the threshold mentioned above). Good records for everyone so they can do their taxes correctly should make it fairly easy. If you are talking about yuge sums of money/investments that is a different story. When my mom died a few years ago the amounts didn't rise to the thresholds then, and they have been raised with the recent tax changes from 2 years ago. so it was just accounting for the received funds, filling out the paperwork before the transfers could take place, and then making sure you had those totals from the forms so you could fill out your taxes correctly.
  7. If not half, estimated at 30 billion in total as of 5-2019, a round 5 billion to start the funds and payouts should suffice. Put Blacks in charge of the funds as well. What starts here changes the world. Nobody could question UoTexas desire to make things right. Literally putting their money where their intentions are while rewarding championship behavior and results. If nothing else, the grandest of grand gestures with real financial backing that would be lasting.
  8. Take half of the UT endowment and split it up this way: Every black member of the 2005-2006 national championship football team gets 1 million dollars. Every black member of any national championship team since 2000 gets 250k dollars. Half of that remaining dollars gets put into a fund to continue the payouts, inflation adjusted, in perpetuity, to increase incentives for excellence in UT sports. Whatever is left, of the original half allocated, gets used to pay for the full ride(a set stipend) for any black student currently or in the future that maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher. Accept all of the other demands as written. Any new rights from the changes made should be split into half going to the UT general fund and the other half going to the above mentioned full ride fund. We as a University community need to set the example.
  9. Yes, Biden should be a shoe-in to win the Heisman if nothing else.
  10. CHAZ, Seattle, WA:
  11. What did you decide?
  12. CSB: Last weekend I noticed my 8+ year old laptop I take to my remodel jobs was having speaker issues. No problem, it is old and why I don't mind leaving it on site, I ordered some speakers off of Amazon. Oops they were indoor/outdoor stereo style, with the red/black connectors, instead of the self-amplified 3.5 mm jack types normal for the PC. I was going to just return them but decided to see if you can make them work and how difficult was it? After a bit I found this video: Got the stuff in and made it work. Works quite well although I'm sure there might be a better way. Like ordering PC speakers in the first place.
      • 1
      • Haha
  13. who were the corches and qb's of this game?
  14. US population by year: Year Population Yearly % Change Yearly Change Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban Pop % Urban Population Country's Share of World Pop World Population U.S. Global Rank 2020 331,002,651 0.59 % 1,937,734 954,806 38.3 1.78 36 82.8 % 273,975,139 4.25 % 7,794,798,739 3 2019 329,064,917 0.60 % 1,968,652 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 82.5 % 271,365,914 4.27 % 7,713,468,100 3 2018 327,096,265 0.62 % 2,011,509 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 82.2 % 268,786,714 4.29 % 7,631,091,040 3 2017 325,084,756 0.64 % 2,068,761 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 81.9 % 266,243,516 4.31 % 7,547,858,925 3 2016 323,015,995 0.67 % 2,137,685 954,806 37.7 1.85 35 81.7 % 263,743,312 4.33 % 7,464,022,049 3 2015 320,878,310 0.76 % 2,373,367 992,343 37.6 1.88 35 81.4 % 261,287,811 4.35 % 7,379,797,139 3 Deaths caused by cop by year, as reported by WaPo: 2020 465 2019 1003 2018 991 2017 986 2016 962 2015 994 Yearly police caused shootings/deaths per year divided by yearly estimated USA population (to true up shootings/deaths and population covered) (wapo tracker started in 2015): 2020 465 indeterminate 2019 1003 .000003048 2018 991 .000003029 2017 986 .000003014 2016 962 .000002978 2015 994 .000003097 Of the 5401 people killed caused by the police in that time period since 2015 (according to the WaPo database): 3101 had a gun or 57.4% 933 had a knife or 17.27% 143 presumably used their vehicle as a weapon or 2.64% 193 had a toy weapon or 3.57% 352 were unarmed or 6.51% Gender breakdown of the 5401 people killed by police nationwide from 2015 till present according to WaPo: 5162 were male 237 were female 2 were unknown gender Police must really hate men. /S There is more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/ https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/
  15. zork


    Richard Grenell talks about Antifa a little bit:
  16. Tucker gives some statistics from the WaPo since they have started tracking death stats in 2015:
  17. yes, agreed..
  18. I didn't want to only post the o-face so I included the article with it.
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