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Pig Bellmont

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Everything posted by Pig Bellmont

  1. Stop. You clearly don’t understand the issues of the case. You’re just embarrassing yourself
  2. Gorsuch, ironically enough, wrote the opinion stating Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 applies to protecting against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
  3. Don’t worry guys- I’m sure the 6 justices will get to occupy some empty seats on private jets soon for being good pets
  4. It’s blatantly choosing a political outcome and then retrofitting some bullshit. The Supreme Court has become ran by activist judges going against the will of Congress, the executive, and Americans. It’s become the very thing Rush Limbaugh and AM radio hosts hyperventilated about (in bad faith) 30 years ago.
  5. This is so dumb my brain hurts. Courts on their own (or sua sponte if you want the magic Latin phrase) can make determinations on jurisdiction at every appellate level
  6. I really appreciate Chris Grinder’s initial breakdown- for those interested, his sub stack Law Dork is great. (Apologies if already posted, I haven’t read the last few pages) edit: I’m also apparently shitty at copy/pasting https://www.lawdork.com/p/scotus-majority-ends-affirmative-action?utm_source=substack&publication_id=899862&post_id=131940496&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&action=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NzUyODM4NywicG9zdF9pZCI6MTMxOTQwNDk2LCJpYXQiOjE2ODgwNjY0NjYsImV4cCI6MTY5MDY1ODQ2NiwiaXNzIjoicHViLTg5OTg2MiIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.LlF48oNfcBZNfAVVF-54SBBeicLeASZMMCeGHDy7McQ
  7. Maybe unenforceable but even still that conclusion requires a court and a judge to agree. Non-solicits have more enforceability than non-competes and C-suite/EVP types can be subject to more restrictive covenants than your average employee- even in California. Plus, does he really want to be in court defending against a temporary restraining order? Maybe, but given his unwillingness to pay basic bills like rent and mounting mandatory arbitration costs, it all just is another example of him exercising poor judgment with an important piece of his company- the (purported) CEO
  8. Are you an insane person? There was a huge amount of turnover in his administration, including cabinet positions. He had like 3 chiefs of staff in 4 years
  9. I have a smart watch I wear all the time
  10. I agree but I’ll say the show did a good job of building his character last season too showing him trying to date/having a strained relationship with his ex/caring for his daughter.
  11. Kind of an indictment on society, no? That a grandmother killing her husband and a 4 year old before herself is so ho hum? I disagree that this type of homicide is an everyday occurrence, but the casual cruelty of this desensitization is shitty
  12. I could do without the facile Ayn Rand bullshit in this thread
  13. Pig Bellmont

    USMNT 2023

    Nothing like forcing a player to stay against his wishes. I’m sure he’ll provide max effort
  14. This thread is an embarrassment to the website and I’m pretty sure a thread on tubgirl is posted somewhere
  15. That and the rampant unchecked corruption
  16. Hmm maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention this morning
  17. But also wrote the opinion expanding Title VII rights to prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation… so umm yeah. If I have it correct, this case was about a NC Supreme Court case that was overturned recently and so Gorsuch was saying the matter is moot- as compared to wanting a ruling coming out the other way on the merits
  18. Essentially yes. Our main sources of info on internal Russian dealings, especially in real time, are all liars. Confirming anything is difficult
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