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Everything posted by clapclapclap

  1. The Panthers should get more groundbreaking credit than just the cheerleader.
  2. Not over yet. TX ST is still wearing FSU looking uni's, still have maroon school colors, and are blowing bubbles.
  3. Need TV shot of dugout Bruno douche.
  4. Gut feeling that there's more to the "We might do our own playoff" than just pressuring the Alliance on the playoff contract and NCAA reform. I think the end game is a 32, 36, or maybe 40 school SECAA breaking away from the NCAA. 11 or 12 game conf schedule, maybe 1 outside game to maintain old rivalries with the left behinds, or maybe a total separation. usc, ucla, asu, oregon, wash nd fsu, clem, unc, uva penn st, oh st, mich, wisc, neb Gets you to 31. No obvious 32nd and too many factors to say for sure if they go for just 1 more, 5, or 9. Do the $$$ max if they add more flagships of major markets/states, or keep it at 32 for competitiveness? Do all these power programs demand some cannon fodder to avoid more losing records? Western schools want a few more Pac neighbors? Any basketball blue bloods worth it? BigTen contracts suggest the money may say add more B1G than just the 5 blue bloods. OTOH, because so many people are from somewhere else in the major metro areas, I don't think it really requires a local school like Rutgers, MD, IL, or Cal. NYC, Boston, DC, Chicago, and SF are going to watch the college pro league regardless. Might have a shot: Iowa, IL, Mich St, Rutgers, MD, MN, IN, KS, VT, CO, Utah, Stan/Cal, Duke.
  5. gotdamit almost a homer Stanford pitcher is quite the dbag
  6. Stanford catcher looks like George Springer.
  8. We'll end up playing some of them when USC, Oregon, Washington, and 1 to 3 others are selected for the 30 to 36 school SECAA.
  9. Did Lowell go to college? I cannot fathom him completing 4 years without getting fragged.
  10. What was that MD runner thinking? Only OU can get away with blatant interference like that in this tourney.
  11. UConn pitcher getting into some trouble.
  12. MD walks 4 straight. "Pitcher Andrew Johnson is about to be impeached." - Squeeze Play
  13. Hurry up and quit raining, it would be awesome to see LSU, Ole Miss, and OU eliminated in quick succession. Would also be rooting against the Vandy whistler, but need to first found out if OR St has a child molesting pitcher this year....
  14. Hey, anyone know if we're hosting the super regional?
  15. Strawberry Astros just don't translate from the original.
  16. A catcher accurately throwing to 2nd may be the rarest thing of all in this tournament.
  17. Looks like some of y'all are gonna have to sign up for ESPN+ or ECUtube.
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