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Everything posted by clapclapclap

  1. Correct call https://www.mlb.com/groundrules/venue-2392 Universal Ground Rules All yellow lines are in play. Edit: Looks like #8 and 10 may only apply to that left-center corner doohickey, according to their map.
  2. Well Joe's a potato, so maybe he had worms.
  3. 4-0 achieved in the 2nd. Am raising the goal to 16-0....
  4. Definitely Hollywood Bowl Don't judge by the elbow pic, attacker may self-identify as double jointed.
  5. That was closer than it looked at first glance.
  6. This is the kind of unhinged, shameless slander that results in most right, middle, and moderate left posters quickly deciding to not bother reading or posting in CR. Quotes from my post you are responding to: "Nearly 2/3rds of Americans think abortion should be illegal after the 1st trimester, 80% after the second trimester (though many of those want exceptions, as do I.) 61% think abortion should be legal in the first trimester. (As do I.) " Only a slimy liar would somehow twist what I wrote into wanting women raped in war to be forced to give birth. You're not interested in political debate, you just want to shout down/burn down those who don't completely agree with your political positions. Seems like CR has devolved into a secular church of maybe 3 dozen control freaks making 80% of the posts. So I'll post the poll again, and note that my position that abortion should be legal in the first trimester, and with the usual common sense exceptions for beyond (rape, incest, actual health risks, etc., though rape and incest are usually resolved in the first trimester) is in line with what a substantial majority of Americans believe, what a majority of Europeans believe, and a majority of the world believes. Like it or not, we can't get to a more reasonable abortion policy that the majority of Americans support without overturning RvW. It might be a somewhat politically bumpy road the next few years getting to a moderate balance, but it will happen, and is the result of trying to legislate through the courts.
  7. Think of it as the arrival of glorious fun in the pool season.
  8. Calmer than you, bro. Against my better judgment, I'll respond once to the hysterics. Roe V. Wade has to be overturned before reasonable laws like bans after the first trimester can be passed. Abortion until birth is too much, in my view, and in the view of 65% of Americans, and in the view of most of Europe, and in the view of most of the world. If the overturn results in far more restrictive measures, well they probably won't last very long. And there will always be plenty of states that allow abortion, and many like the west coast, IL, and much of the northeast will probably continue to allow abortion until birth. When the Republicans take over the US Senate, and perhaps the house, and eventually get a GOP president, there is zero chance they pass a total abortion ban. It would be political suicide. After first trimester is as far as they'd go, and more likely they'll find reasons to leave the hot potato for the individual states to deal with. Going back to if states enact restrictions that might effectively ban before the first trimester, well there aren't many states where the GOP would survive long afterwards. I realize you guys always shout the world is going to end and barbaric Nazi's are going to take over if you don't get your way, but the reality is extremism won't last long in most states. And in the interval between if such extreme bans take effect and voters kick them out, women always have the option of going to another state for a procedure. For once, instead of scheming to make taxpayers again pay for things they may not support, how about the left privately raise funds for a charity that subsidizes/provides travel and if needed lodging for poor women wanting an abortion in another state? If you care that much about it, donate. Maybe lobby George Soros for some of the money he's been spending on campaigns for criminal friendly DA's (the results of which will play a big part in the November butt kicking y'all are going to get.) Bezos and Bill Gates and Hollywood and the trust fund Waltons could easily set up such a charity. Overturning RvW simply puts it back into the states' hands, where ultimately moderation will prevail in most instances after the process plays out (maybe not immediately.) But since it was required to get to better laws, then a turbulent and experimentational political battles in state the price to pay for an overreach decision many years ago (the overreach being perhaps the price to pay for some overly restrictive laws back then. The pendulum sometimes swings back and forth.)
  9. But the posts tonight in this thread advocating assassinating a US Senator and "burn it all down" rioting are? I'll add something to the discussion that seems to be overlooked in my brief scan of this thread: Nearly 2/3rds of Americans think abortion should be illegal after the 1st trimester, 80% after the second trimester (though many of those want exceptions, as do I.) 61% think abortion should be legal in the first trimester. (As do I.) So, basically 2/3rds of Americans want abortion laws similar to most of Europe. https://health.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2021-06-25/ap-norc-poll-most-say-restrict-abortion-after-first-trimester Seems like the highly unethical (unprecedented?) leak (but I realize that anything is ok if it benefits the hard left Dems) of the alleged USSC decision would put the court in agreement with most Americans. Most (all?) of these state laws seem to start at 15 weeks. Also, LOL at the predictable gaslighting that anyone other than a hardcore Dem leaked this. It's meant to intimidate Roberts, and maybe another justice. Hoping for the usual "I didn't get my way so lets violently riot" response from the emo left.
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