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Everything posted by clapclapclap

  1. Location is legit, less than 5 miles south of the Barents Sea: https://www.google.com/maps/@69.7245297,30.8871421,3a,59.2y,160.8h,74.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDsbhyVD-o2woI-AQwJmM4Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e4 Nice bus stop on the right? There's only a few rural houses further north on that road that dead ends at a campsite on the sea. North of the Arctic Circle and close to Kirkenes, where temps average 20/6 in Jan, 61/48 in July, records 91 and -43. Only 18 inches of precipitation a year (less than Big Spring or San Angelo) and just 26 inches of snow (similar to Indianapolis). Very cloudy all year long, bring your vitamin D.
  2. I haven't posted in this thread in 4 months, but I hope you all enjoy your Alopecea vax induced AIDS!
  3. And the Barnpark at Arlington has those ugly Rangers uniforms. Rough start, it took them a year to get rid of the Odor from their indoor stadium.
  4. Poem day is lame. At least read Poems from Prison by Ron Jeremy (the Sonnet Hedgehog)
  5. But then she said, "He called you Chris Everett again." "In" gif
  6. I wonder if they let him hold the grandkids? Also, Hey, what did Chris Rock wake up with on his face this morning?
  7. Because he didn't dare criticize the "Don't Say Woman" judge?
  8. MLB's first 300 home run season would probably get him an All Star invite in 2023.
  9. 92 degrees with a 23 degree dew point felt awesome yesterday afternoon. Started dreaming again of moving to Arizona or El Paso....
  10. Banhammer 1994 is one of the most underrated Olympics. Norway is always good times.
  11. Can see and smell the smoke pretty strong in Fort Worth just from the Fort Hood fires 100 miles to the south. (Radar shows the Iradell plumes running north, well to the west.)
  12. Biggest winner today? Gallagher COTA is 10x better than TMS. Great finish.
  13. Looks to be southwest of town in NE Kinney County:
  14. No update yet on the #DasBootFire [/no Dave Letterman]
  15. Yep, I'm back to IDGAS mode.
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