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  1. In the mid 90s I was the network administrator for the Georgia Attorney General’s office. One day I was in the office of one of the Assistant AG’s working on her computer. She was a badass whipsmart black woman, and when I asked her for her password (not an uncommon thing to do back then) she looked at me for a moment and then said… ”It’s freaknasty” /csb
  2. That clip shows what an articulate player he was. So much more than just a mindless shredder. Favorite comment: “How can someone be that groovy and that savage at the same time?”
  3. Colin Jost is a great host for Pop Culture Jeopardy. I’m almost too old to play.
  4. I don’t think Black Mass has been mentioned. Not top 5 but fun to watch Depp chew the scenery as Whitey Bulger. I think part of the problem is the definition of gangster. When I hear gangster movies, I’m thinking the mafia, or at least established organized crime. Some of my all time favorite moves, like Heat and Ronin, are great crime movies but not gangster movies. And I think Untouchables depends somewhat on your age. I was 15 when it came out in 1987 and I saw it in the theater. It was a huge role for Costner coming off of a great supporting part in Silverado (great fucking movie) and the start of a run that would include No Way Out, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, Dances With Wolves, and Robin Hood in the next *four years*. Connery was in great form and already a legend, but he was coming off of Highlander and The Name of the Rose, not exactly blockbusters, so it was exciting to see him in such a good role for him. Deniro was on his way to being a legend but was coming off some odd roles too, like The Mission and Angel Heart, and this put him right back on track for legend. I had never seen anything like the baseball bat scene. Point is that if you are Gen X there is a lot of nostalgia around Untouchables, and as an 80s movie (there was a LOT of crap in the 80s) I think it holds up well.
  5. Does Gangs of New York count? The Departed gets better every time I watch it. It is very close to Goodfellas for me.
  6. Anything is a pick if you’re brave enough
  7. Buzzrock


    That. Is. Fucking. Awesome. Love her.
  8. Buzzrock


    Beyoncé winning best country album is fucking stupid
  9. How do I add surly to a Twitter link or whatever? I’m trying it mock Man City in the Futbol forum dammit!
  10. This isn’t the same City but it’s a pretty depleted Arsenal too. Monster win.
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