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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. I don’t really care for all the engineer stuff and the weird mutant/hybrid/alien/black goo stuff. I just want more atmospheric xenomorph scares with some action thrown in occasionally. That said if they could work out a (good!) story where David turns Daniels into the queen and spawns the whole race of xenomorphs after Covenant I’d watch that.
  2. Note: this sounds better on headphones than on the phone speaker Posting because metal chicks kick ass and Nita and Alissa are both swoon worthy: When Nita gives the “WHOO!” early on and then the synchronized head bang…sends me
  3. That sounds like a huge pain in the ass. I’ll get someone to swing through Lubbock and take it. Driver can keep the $350.
  4. I don’t watch Nerdrotic but Drinker seems pretty consistent. What popular stuff has he bashed?
  5. Some nerdy cinematography stuff
  6. Sometimes fan service lands. It did with me. Deadpool not as much, for instance. After the shitshow that was Covenant I enjoyed this palate cleanser and all its callbacks. But I can understand why some didn’t. David Jonsson seems to be getting universal praise. I want to see him in more stuff.
  7. I dunno, some pretty good stories have been told across the books and video games. The Thrawn trilogy would have made for three great movies or a few seasons of a good show.
  8. I really appreciated that they kept the retro-future look. Romulus takes place between Alien and Aliens on the fictional timeline, so it would have been weird to put modern tech in this one. I know they put more modern looking tech in the prequels but for some reason that doesn’t bother me. Maybe because I see those films as outliers.
  9. In retrospect, Paul Reiser shouldn’t have worked in Aliens, but he was nails as the slime ball Carter Burke. Zero comic vibe from him and it was great.
  10. Sweet! @squib I’ll give you $350
  11. So the armless girl from a few weeks ago who didn’t catch the football: I scrolled the comments just far enough to find out… she has an onlyfans.
  12. I don’t know if this is what people are actually paying, but here’s a ‘57 Champ in much worse condition on Reverb for $3200 https://reverb.com/item/83852922-fender-champ-amplifier-1957-tweed?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=83852922
  13. Just saw it today, this is pretty much where I land. Lots of fun but suffered from the multiverse stuff and too much time in the wasteland. Morena Baccarin is still diesel train smoke.
  14. I loved it. I guess it’s getting some shit for too much fan service but fuck it I had a good time. The only thing I didn’t love was
  15. Day two and still no animated team intros on PL Mornings. They must have forgotten to make one for Ipswich Town.
  16. No one thought it made any sense to put Bruce Willis in an action movie in the 80s. Everyone knew him from Moonlighting.
  17. Let’s get three and go back to the top
  18. Sad Panda seeing ESR at Fulham. But I hope he does well. ManU top of the table. Gross.
  19. Finally finished The Stand and starting Dune Messiah. I can’t believe how much smaller it is than Dune.
  20. Finally finished The Stand after getting it for Christmas a couple years ago. At 1000+ pages it’s not easy but it’s pretty good. Very long build up to the eventual conflict and lots of good character arcs. Apparently the 2020 miniseries isn’t very good, but the whole 1990 series is on YouTube. It’s got the production value of an 80s Dr Who season, but a good cast.
  21. Getting some good reviews. I’m now going on info blackout until I can see it.
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