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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. Ugh that is heartbreaking. But it’s so good to know she’s had 12 great years with you. The rescue service has had no luck so far finding a new home for our little snoofus. Shelters are packed the gills because of all the people who got dogs during Covid and then decided they didn’t want them. He got some good play time this weekend.
  2. I was so sure that dog-person-Gizmo’s voice was Jason Sudeikis (it wasn’t). Nadja was kind of annoying in this one but I still liked it. Who was the actress who played Magic Johnson? She looked familiar.
  3. What, no love for Zorro?
  4. Nothing to see here, just us yellow jackets achieving our final form.
  5. I’ll update when Ed does, but he accidentally bought something at auction..
  6. Arrivederci, Scud. We hardly new ye. IMG_8936.mov
  7. What’s their toxic situation? She had two good chances after her goal.
  8. That was ridiculous. She was so far out. And covered. And had a wide open teammate to her left. But she said nah fuck all that. So confident.
  9. Tuohy (why the fuck are all the names in this story hard to spell or look like typos) kind of addressed that in his response today. He said that because Oher had lived with them for so long they had to make him part of the family for Ole Miss to accept him, and you can’t adopt someone over 18. More detail is needed there IMO. Tuohy also said they didn’t make any money off the film. The film made $309M on a $29M budget. Theaters get 40% so that leaves $168M, and 2.5% of that is $4.2M. If that very rough math is right then he is suing for less than $1M and will still have to pay his lawyer. Unless I’m missing something. Yes, it was posted earlier: https://www.si.com/.amp/nfl/2023/08/15/sean-tuohy-responds-michael-oher-allegations-its-upsetting
  10. You have a very specific brand of cranky. Never change.
  11. Joe Rogan posted it so I’m sure some people now think it sucks.
  12. About to watch the latest but the local news episode was great. Nandor De Laurentiis. Perfect.
  13. He’s been to the vet recently but these are the most recent of about six or seven incidents over the three years we’ve had him. He’s been in training but some traits are almost impossible to train away. He will be four years old in a couple of weeks and is just growing into his personality, I think. And yeah, the previous bites were preventable with some common sense, but we just can’t risk him hurting someone badly. Especially a small child, and we have those over pretty frequently (and some of them are shitheads and don’t know how to act around dogs).
  14. You’re missing the third big reason, which is a not-so-subtle way to have force reductions without layoffs.
  15. We’re going to have to part ways with my buddy. I mentioned before that he had bitten my MIL. Over the weekend we had a family gathering and he bit my dad’s hand when he stuck it in his crate, and later bit my big dumb cousin in the face when he grabbed Samson by the face and got right in it. We had a talk as a family and decided we would keep him away from others forever, and then Monday evening when my 14 year old son was trying to calm him on the couch during some big storms he bit him in the face and neck and bloodied him pretty good. No permanent damage thank God. We can’t have a dog we can’t trust, and talking to our trainer she says the best thing is to see if the rescue can re-home him. They said they will help. We are all devastated of course. My daughter can’t stop crying and my wife is 50/50 sad and furious. I’ve been keeping him pretty isolated which I know he doesn’t like. I’m really praying the rescue org can find him a place with some other dogs and no kids, because I really don’t want to think about the alternative.
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