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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. Brighton just beat Villa. Miracles can happen.
  2. My 17 year old is a timid driver, waited a year to get her license, and then crashed her car to within about a nickel of it being totaled. It was in the shop for four months and the week we got it back I backed my golf cart into the door.
  3. A tale of two Jasons https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLChbMfb/ I couldn’t find the second one anywhere but tik tok. It’s both Jason and Amanda being awesome. I’m not particularly fond of Amanda’s singing voice but I do find her sexy and I liked her as part of Jason’s band.
  4. He has lost a step or two for sure. Frustrating to see.
  5. Lucky there if I’m honest
  6. Ann Hathaway just came
  7. The story of that Daniel kid who they tributed at 14 mins is crazy, killed in a sword attack on the way to school.
  8. We are all over them. Need one to go in.
  9. There’s nothing to do but win it. Let’s go boys!
  10. In other news Kinda funny story: I was leaving a neighborhood poker game in my golf cart about 12:30am on Sunday, and there was a big hauler having a lot of trouble getting turned around in my neighborhood. Zero question whose house it had come from (Ed was getting the Diablo back). I just sat there enjoying my buzz and watching him do a multi point turn in my cul de sac. He hopped the curb a couple times but managed not to trench anyone’s yard. For clarity: not the hauler pictured above. Those don’t come in the ‘hood.
  11. It’s pretty wild how it knifed right through the front. I’m actually surprised there’s that much of the bike left.
  12. Oldest (and only daughter) is going to college this fall. I’m not ready.
  13. I hope little piggy had already had its teeth clipped. Somehow the one job I never did was castration. Did damn near everything else though.
  14. Most appropriate use of this gif ever
  15. Neighbor went on a big Porsche rally last weekend. Lead car encountered a rather fast moving motorcycle in his lane. The young lady riding it is not in good shape.
  16. Seeing the pigs gave me flashbacks. I grew up on a large production hog farm. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been armpit deep in a sow’s vagina…
  17. Not new (October last year) so probably already covered but: if you like spooky stuff The Fall of the House of Usher is decent. It’s the latest from Mike Flanagan (Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass) with a similar cast. Flanagan does a clever job of basing it on FotHoU but incorporating several other Poe stories. Plus you get to see Carla Gugino crawl around in lingerie in episode two.
  18. I read that wrong at first. “Did we loan him to Bournemouth?” I am smrt
  19. Company in Dallas came up with a cool solution for blackout shades. The shade rides inside the window frame so there is no light leaking in from the edges. Motorized and non-motorized options.
  20. Late to the game on American Nightmare but damn.
  21. I thought I could click your spoiler since I read Dune and I’ve seen both movies. I wasn’t expecting a spoiler for Messiah.
  22. Gah. Ok that’s a big spoiler for the next movie. Maybe we need a thread just for that one?
  23. NFMC has been surprisingly watchable so far but NFO needs to get that damn player back on the pitch or sub him
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