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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by taybo20

  1. Its okay...I'll take under 10. I always lose so its great for the team!
  2. Fink is big on social media, and chasing the lady longhorns...lol
  3. This makes it sound like Card or Card’s dad was the source. Also how the fuck do they know about anything on the field? I don’t fully buy the practice reports, but I most certainly don’t think the football IQ of these writers is better than our coaches
  4. Definitely. I just watched the entire police bodycam vid. Also went to the game last night, but I didn't get a DUI hahaha
  5. Why did he go Herman with the really 3x...
  6. But Coburn isn't necessarily saying he should start. He's just commenting on how ahead of the others he is. To be fair you are also right about the reflection of our own OL. He hasn't seen many freshman 5 star OL at Texas.
  7. IT apologists? I've seen it all
  8. Haha! Fuck the 9.95s.... that's embarrassing
  9. Can we just make a fucking parking lot for these guys specifically?!
  10. Glad your son is feeling better.
  11. Hate to see these guys injured. Really hate “non contact knee injury”. I’m not sure that’s ever resulted in something that isn’t ligament related
  12. I’ve seen a lot of “making it up cause we don’t know” but damn…they didn’t even give themselves time to slowly change the narrative
  13. This is true, and possibly a good starter for the debate that I liken to “if Barry sanders had the 1990s cowboys OL”. I think people saw some of the pass blocking last year, and wrote them off completely. And now, envision an even better run blocking OL for Bijan and Roschon, and don’t want to hear anything else lol.
  14. Well that’s not very good. I seem to remember feeling super shitty when our defense had 3rd and long…so yeah, makes sense
  15. Hey all, looking to buy 4 tickets all together, preferably home side sections 4, 5 or 6. let me know by PM. thanks!
  16. Best friend has a wedding on sept 17. Good news is it starts at 4pm, so I’ll be good for game time. But still…very annoying
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