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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by taybo20

  1. Brown is a stronger leader than any upper classmen on the team...and he isn't even signed yet!!!
  2. He's not going to do much accept help in run support crashing the line. He will be a liability in pass coverage, which I can't wait for. Imagine any or our RBs getting him in space. If he plays at LB, he will have to be semi-protected. If he spins down, fine, but he isn't a Bonnito. Ousux is pretty desperate right now for guys. Nice knowing you Kobie, but can't wait to beat your ass in October
  3. that's the Hayes bullshit... "i got texas news"
  4. Exactly. Which is the whole thing about "chasing stars"... sure it looks good to have the "highly ranked" class, but it doesnt mean shit or amount to anything. And specifically in our case, we have felt that.
  5. Yep. The line players make EVERYTHING easier for the others on the field.
  6. Still can’t believe they paid what, $21 million to buyout Gus just to get Harsin and look like they may be in a world of hurt
  7. I don’t want anymore bullshit from Hayes. I want these commits damn it!
  8. taybo20


    I have to imagine someone is transferring…either now or after spring…maybe both
  9. We are getting Harris too? Nahlin could have just said, save some of your load
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