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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by taybo20

  1. Honestly the most impressive drive of the season
  2. Can we just run it down the throats of every team?
  3. Someone may need to slap everyone on this team
  4. Would definitely do Dr Pepper commercials better
  5. Our kicking game sucks ass all the way around
  6. Someone fucking punch sark ill put a bounty on it
  7. Kinda wish Ewers would have just fallen over like usual
  8. If arch isn’t out there, someone in stadium needs to go slap sark
  9. Guess not, but we gave up 11 yards up the middle lol
  10. Idk… I want to speed him up and keep his eyes down
  11. Our punter sucks ass. That’s an advantage Aggie has over us
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