I'm a PA and have worked in the OR at multiple hospitals in large cities. Wife is also in CRNA school. At every place I have worked at, the CRNAs do the majority of intubations for the cases they are running. Depending on the facility, the MD may or may not be in the room during induction and intubation, but even when they are there, the CRNA does the intubation 90+% of the time. I would not say most good hospitals have MD-only intubations, based on my experience in many DFW and Houston-area hospitals.
In the hospitals I have always worked at (re: teaching hospitals), it has been the attending anesthesiologist or the anesthesia resident who does the intubation. Not saying a CRNA can’t do it. Shit, we used to do them (under supervision) as medical students. Fuck, even ED docs do them. If they can do them, anyone can do them. But, CRNA’s are not MD’s, no matter how badly they want you to think they are. Good income tho.