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Fat Bastard

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Everything posted by Fat Bastard

  1. Keep getting emails from Doris Metropolitan. Their bread service is amazing and they sent one out a few days ago for fresh challah. Couldn’t resist, so made some nutella stuffed Challah French toast (and some non-stuffed ones too for balance). Turned out absolutely amazing and the kids loved it. stuffed ones are double thickness and in foreground. Nonstuffed smaller thickness and in background
  2. SIAP Long but very informative read if you have the time (2007 journal article above) https://cmr.asm.org/content/20/4/660.long In other words, fuck China.
  3. crown of head and back of neck. For most Non-N95. N95 have a special way of placing
  4. Chiropractors - absolutely. True charlatans. Dentists calling themselves doctors? I don’t have a problem with. They’re mouth specialists and nobody else with an MD who isn’t OMFS has their expertise. And I love podiatrists. They are a key referral source for my large PAD/CLI volume.
  5. I don’t work a vent, dickhead. If you read my earlier responses I said we were allowed to them as medical students and ED docs do them in emergencies. And your long winded responses to most everything that don’t really add anything make you as useless as Brisket. I’d take a 100 CTJ’s over both of you. And judging by your posting history I would’ve guessed you were either a community hospital physician or work at a VA. You just seem the “type”.
  6. Lol, go back to your community hospital, bro. I’m sure it’s great.
  7. Full disclosure, I have pivoted to everything being done by CV-Anesthesia since residency ended as that is my focus, so what goes on in the general OR nowadays, I don’t know. But when I was rotating through general, it was still anesthesia with residents. Again, always at large teaching hospitals.
  8. I'm a PA and have worked in the OR at multiple hospitals in large cities. Wife is also in CRNA school. At every place I have worked at, the CRNAs do the majority of intubations for the cases they are running. Depending on the facility, the MD may or may not be in the room during induction and intubation, but even when they are there, the CRNA does the intubation 90+% of the time. I would not say most good hospitals have MD-only intubations, based on my experience in many DFW and Houston-area hospitals. In the hospitals I have always worked at (re: teaching hospitals), it has been the attending anesthesiologist or the anesthesia resident who does the intubation. Not saying a CRNA can’t do it. Shit, we used to do them (under supervision) as medical students. Fuck, even ED docs do them. If they can do them, anyone can do them. But, CRNA’s are not MD’s, no matter how badly they want you to think they are. Good income tho.
  9. Bread, absolutely - I’ve tinkered with baking and not only is it a royal pain in the ass, 99% of us don’t have the appropriate ovens to cook a piece of bread better than a legit bakery. What’s the most expensive piece of bread you’ve even bought? ~$5. Of course I’ll go the bakery route for high quality shit. same goes for ice cream. While you can absolutely get high quality ingredients and mix ins to your heart’s content, most non-commercial ice cream makers will never churn the cream good and fast enough to prevent some ice crystal formation. burgers I disagree with. While you can’t find awesome buns at your local H-E-B, you can get much higher quality beef, bacon and cheese.
  10. From what I’ve been able to gather, he’s not an MD but likely a CRNA. At my hospital, and most good hospitals, they’re not allowed to intubate. They only manage the vent once the patient is intubated by the attending anesthesiologist. Now, if he works at some shitty ass community hospital, all bets are off.
  11. Fried chicken is like donuts. Why waste your fucking time making it and making a mess in your kitchen when you can easily get it cheap from Popeyes or a donut store?
  12. Looks perfect.
  13. Gracias. I’m not saying I’m not an asshole (there’s a double negative for your ass Beau). But I sure as shit am not a morally reprehensible, pathological liar like that shitbag.
  14. Newsflash dickhead, I never had access to SSS. I know this is hard for you to comprehend because fantasy and reality are both a blur in your meth rattled head. You see, ever since I got a job and a family I haven’t posted with any of the same volume or giveafuckness since Hornfans almost 20 years ago.
  15. I outed my own brother?? Lol. Is that what that shitfucker made you all believe when he begged for leniency in the SSS? Bizarro world.
  16. And you’re making it complicated. You stated the guy had too many absences (lol) but was doing “pretty well” which is likely a B average. You might be better suited for teaching 2nd grade English where attendance and conduct matters.
  17. Sounds like your class sucks. Don’t know where you teach but I’d venture to guess your class only starts to add students once the desired profs are full.
  18. What kind of douchebag prof takes attendance at the university level??
  19. Jesus Christ, you’re such an insufferable shitbag. Fuck off
  20. I wholeheartedly agree natural sciences degrees by themselves are shitty and only allow you to teach HS biology, but many of them are springboards for careers in medicine, pharma, and if played smartly with a business degree or good business acumen, can land yourself on the good side of health care (not the shitty side where I work, think ChiTownDoc side)
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