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Maestro della Moneta

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Everything posted by Maestro della Moneta

  1. Almost 85k and MSTR 320. Things are accelerating. This was always going to happen. It’s good because it will drive adoption further. If it’s really viewed as digital gold there will be a race to secure Bitcoin. As a holder, my Bitcoin is still insulated from governments. I hold the keys.
  2. This guy spearheaded the push to get Bitcoin included in the campaign. I share his hope that this isn't a one party issue going forward. I still don't know if I'm sold on the 4 year cycles going away, but a good point made here.
  3. I'm old enough to remember when his private company rescued two of our stranded astronauts from the space station. Our expansion into space is almost solely dependent on his company. Also,
  4. The 4 year gap is chosen because to this point the 4 year price cycle has remained intact. So what does that mean? There should be a new peak in 2025 and you can then compare to that. There are a lot of tailwinds that point to that happening right on time next year. See above.
  5. Or you can chart it against the cost of higher education or healthcare or any thing that outpaces official CPI. And guess what? Bitcoin beats it soundly over the long term. Hope that helps.
  6. What do you mean? He's had multiple government agencies targeting him as well as prominent Tv hosts calling for the Us DoD to cut off contracts with his companies. What’s funny is this dumbass doesn't realize he’s really one of the biggest national security assets we have. These are not serious people. Just vindictive people who want their enemies crushed even if it keeps America from fluorishing.
  7. He went all-in and won again. Pretty incredible, considering this thread informed me he has such limited abilities.
  8. What work do you want to see? As money is printed and M2 has grown, so has bitcoin. The price going up is a sign of increasing adoption, so yes it is validation. Your technical arguments to why it won't work are irrelevant as it's currently working. Come up with something new.
  9. The most successful entrepreneur of our generation that's pushing excellence is multiple realms, including our country’s space ambitions, is willing to help in the public sector? The horror! One side of the political divide committing to alienating and then attacking him was a colossal mistake. But it might work out and help us in the end by providing extra motivation. Or many fine people on both sides. And so on.
  10. Again, keep that level of reflection. You're doing great. I would recommend looking at multiple things, especially how you consume information. You might arrive at different conclusions that are more in line with what's happening in finance and the world at large.
  11. It's a hedge against monetary debasement that is easily accessible to young people, outside the legacy financial system. Again, you're free to keep denying what's staring you in the face with this, as with other things. See how that's working out for you.
  12. 5 years, 4 years, 3 years. Got it. We're at all time highs and primed for a massive bull run with a President that has advocated for a national strategic bitcoin reserve amongst other things. Buckle up, Pam. I'll be curious to see if the USG sold any of the confiscated bitcoin
  13. Perhaps take a look at why young people and minorities would be interested in a way to protect to themselves from monetary debasement or are looking for a way to exit a system they feel is rigged against them. I'm pretty sure you feel it's rigged in some way. I'm sure reflection like that is ongoing in CR. lol
  14. It’s been called for Moreno. And in the Presidential race I’ll be interested to hear how each candidate’s positions on Bitcoin/crypto affected things. Look like young males, especially minorities, came out more for Trump than projected. They're larger numbers of crypto holders.
  15. Bitcoin approaching ATH as election nears its climax. One of the most anti crypto senators on the ropes in Ohio. Money from Bitcoin/crypto constituency appears to be making a mark.
  16. not sure well, on November 5th, 2019 the price was $9,300. Today it's about $70,000. A healthy 7x+, and I would say it looks primed for more.
  17. I don't want to do anything. It’s accounting standards.
  18. As far as net income numbers, that’s due to old FASB accounting standards around digital assets. Theyve been updated and that will effect Q1 2025. https://dart.deloitte.com/USDART/home/publications/deloitte/heads-up/2023/fasb-issues-asu-crypto-assets# The current valuation is based more on the assets they hold and what they're doing with them. The biggest effect of the new standards will be Bitcoin appreciation marked as net income. I believe positive net income is the only thing holding back MSTR from S&P 500 inclusion, later Nasdaq 100 inclusion. Then you will all become passive Bitcoin hodlers via SPY and QQQ. Congrats Captain!
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