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  1. I have a 3rd cousin on my aunties side high up in the aggy Locker room who has told me the elk has also ran off all the pre Duran Duran’s….
  2. Is T. Portal one of thier receivers??
  3. Hat is on backwards.
  4. My hate is laser focused. Georgia is coming But not today.
  5. Needs a sssec patch
  6. Probably will in a couple of years..,
  7. Oh, aggy is allowed, they just can’t figger out what channel it’s on….
  8. Wasn’t that a Sandra Bullack movie??
  9. My dead brothers friend had a uncle who has a cousin who heard from a team insider wiiiggy injured his foot. so no.
  10. Zoomed in. Is the one on the right flashing an aggy udder?? imaginations a terrrible drug….
  11. Don’t know why I read that as “three titties and two He mans….”
  12. When you grow up in a field it’s no wonder one parties with dirt.
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