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Everything posted by TexasTroll

  1. Sucks I can’t see the pic but I’ll go with the thick one.....
  2. Never mind old news....
  3. Wr davion Curtis is trsnsferring just saw this...
  4. Well I’ll be damed i missed that!! not my fault stoopid small phone and freezing gif..... Old eyes good thing a new 60 inch tv been delivered so I don’t miss football games!! but +reppedyou anyhoo
  5. I’d think that qualifies as a paraplegic and not a amputee but I’ll give ya points for trying..... he could beat me though....
  6. How did fan appreciation day go??
  7. A game day 0nsite segment that’s “Surly on the boulevard” giveing thoughts sights and sounds on the Bevo Blvd. game day experience.
  8. I didnt see his name on all the other 84 players burnt orange jerseys the team lost to kanas
  9. The o line has been below average for 3 fucking years hes been lucky to get a first read. if the Oline improves so will his play. SB needs more than 1 second from his oline. but hey Sure. any other quarterback can play behind a bad oline and still have stellar numbers. if the oline can give SB time to play to his strengths he will do fine.
  10. Its simply referred to as 'the dead planet'. Its location is stated to be in a barred-spiral galaxy on the Cepheus-Draco border which is about 14 lightyears away from our sun, as stated by Sally Solomon.
  11. Are you talking area football here??
  12. I was thinking about the same in letting a surly veteran ( ww1 ) call n chat but saggy (shaggy) is a echo chamber. NOnonono Ones oneones ThHERE there there....there,,;;
  13. Ramming Speeed!!!!!
  14. But did hitler win a natty??
  15. Used to love the come early, stay late, be loud, wear orange. unfortunitly nowadays it just reminds me of a fuhrer trump campaign slogan
  16. Don’t know but looks like to me they are trying to wipe SUMTHING off thier face eeewwwwwww!!!
  17. Well i do know we had our helmets repainted once a season. back when I called my coach on a rotary phone...
  18. I delivered a package to her house. She needs to attend to her potted plants better, too. Sure is. especially to a aggy that loves to hump dirt!!!
  19. Huh??? sorry didn’t hear you. i was yelling at some clods.....
  20. Then turn off yer speakers!
  21. We’re you too busy yelling at clouds?? 🖖🏿
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