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Everything posted by TexasTroll

  1. Grandad???
  2. Snort got ya by 2
  3. That’s a lotta Easter egg hiding……
  4. Sure will When we win “The Natty”…..
  5. I’ll take the neg. they are worth it…..
  6. She’s a close friend. plenty of pics, but FMEO. FYI: those are 60 y.o. Boobies…… And they are fantabulous!!!!
  7. There’s soap in Turkish prisons???
  8. Gamera…Gamera…Gamera. yiyiyi
  9. Didn’t notice
  10. I know this is not gonna sound right but Cougar tails ???
  11. they hand them out like their diplomas like candy on Halloween….
  12. Ewers passing stats first year at Texas are better than VY passing stats first year at Texas…. maybe a bright spot???
  13. Not gonna lie had to Google it ”Friesians are graceful and nimble for their size.” not aggy ish So obviously, they beat out aggy by a nose…
  14. And y’all walked 10 miles to and from the bar/ burger joint, uphill both ways. or it just felt like it after consuming all those burgers and beers….
  15. Shhhhhh he is on a roll. it’s the off season. let him keep sucking that burnt orange teet…
  16. What in the bag?? The gun??
  17. What you talkin bout Willis??? I grew up in New England on lonk island sound. Every thanksgiving we all sat around stuffed watching Texas vrs aggy football. and we talked about it in school the following Monday. while we may not have loved Texas or aggy, we loved watching them play football on thanksgiving. people outside of Texas enjoyed the game more than you realize.
  18. To be fair its a pretty fukn BIG clown car.
  19. LHN will become SEC WEST network. Then aggy can pull it’s self complaining how UT made the sec have 2 networks….. Does any other conference have 2 dedicated networks or would this be a first???
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