Sorry for joining the sidetrack-- I'll post once and then leave it. Our society is perfectly designed to fatten up humans. Those who have said you can lose weight on your own are right for the overwhelming majority of people. Focus on a few simple (yet requiring commitment) rules. If you burn more than you take in, you will lose weight. Most adults reach a point past which exercise in sufficient quantity to affect their weight is unlikely, so the focus should be largely on intake.
1. Only eat at meal time, and stop when you are full. Most people snack or graze at some point.
2. Only eat food over which you have control-- your own from home. The restaurants and food trucks, the sales people with donuts, etc all want to feed your pleasure centers rather than help you moderate your intake.
3. All carbohydrates (except dietary fiber) are sugar. Don't eat sugar if you are watching your weight. You will likely get plenty of sugar even while trying to eliminate it (some people have a medical condition like diabetes or hypoglycemia and need medical supervision on this one). Throw away the sugar in your house from the fridge and the pantry and don't replace it with more. Meat, eggs, greens, and "keto" formulations (the tortillas tend to be edible) are not sugar. Chances are that whatever else you are tempted to buy/eat is sugar or is high in sugar. Fat intake does not lead to the metabolic consequences that make weight loss hard the way that sugar does. Some bacon is OK, but throw away your sugar.
4. As stated above, do not drink calories. Milk is sugar water. Skim milk is sugar water with the delicious fat removed and the sugar retained. Fruit and fruit juice are sugar. Water, unsweetened tea, and unsweetened coffee are not sugar. Artificial sweeteners and diet sodas may increase cravings and impair your satiety signaling, so consume even them with caution.
5. Tell the people around you that you are trying to get in shape. They will be much less likely to sabotage you by inviting you to unhealthy eating and drinking opportunities, and they might even actively support you.
6. Don't go crazy, but give yourself a meal once a week without all the rules. You won't lose all your progress from one meal, and we tend to do better with occasional breaks.