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Magus Ossis

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Everything posted by Magus Ossis

  1. It is a gas at STP. It can easily be stored as a liquid, though, by closing the container to prevent escape of the vapor pressure. Think cigarette lighter. You’d need a special container, but a butane cocktail is theoretically possible. What is trickier is getting it dissolved in vodka, at least at reasonable temperatures.
  2. Not really. Light-headedness is usually from all the blood going somewhere else. Football doesn’t cause what he seemed to have. The problems are (1) his condition might have taken away brain function he needed, (2) blood thinners he might take to help prevent recurrence put him at unacceptable risk of serious bleeding with contact while he’s on them, and (3) unrelated to football, he could have another episode.
  3. We never got an exact diagnosis or results of any testing for predisposing conditions. My working guess has been a venous sinus thrombosis, blood clot in a big brain vein. Some authorities think anticoagulation (blood thinners) afterwards should be long-term, some a year, some 3-6 months, and some argue they aren’t appropriate. I can’t imagine he’ll be cleared for contact while on blood thinners. Strength and conditioning, etc should be fine. If I’ve guessed his condition, if he gets an average duration of anticoagulation, that would mean he is probably arguably OK to start back when desired at this point. They’re probably going to watch him be a student for a semester before they let him be a FB player again though. disclaimer: that took a boatload of guesses to answer
  4. I’m a general orthopedist, but I replace more knees than anything else.
  5. Who knows when he realized what about his leg, and who cares? I wonder how many Surls would show up for work Monday if they realized tomorrow that they have more money than they will ever need already in the bank. Even the ones who don’t get hit at work by 300 pound freaks with bad intentions. No one owes anyone else to sacrifice his body for amusement. Good for Luck.
  6. A good mri should tell the story. Sometimes the machine has problems or (more often) the patient moves a little. The image is very easily degraded if anything isn’t just right when the mri is performed. It sounds from the way things are being phrased that they think more is wrong. To answer your question, probably not. Once the patient is asleep on the table, you can examine his knee with no guarding to confound.
  7. The poorly specified “something else” may be his posterolateral corner and/or posterior cruciate ligament (PLC, PCL). Hopefully not.
  8. Dislocations do worse. If he didn’t dislocate, his prognosis is good. Usually a dislocation means complete disruption of 3+ of ACL, PCL, MCL, and PLC. Meniscus is just along for the ride. He’ll feel that more when he gets arthritis as a 40 year old instead of 60.
  9. ACL and meniscus usually only ruins one season if that’s all it is.
  10. Too late. Game’s already down the tubes.
  11. At the top left of the page, there is a drop down arrow by our usernames. Last option is the ignore user function.
  12. Despite all appearances, the scoreboard says this is not so.
  13. Also, how great is it that the best ball-holder is a "HOTY!"
  14. I'm sure someone else remembers the details better than I, but there is some precedent for the NCAA to rule a prospect ineligible to receive athletic aid from a specific school based on recruiting irregularities, even absent a major violation or other sanction against the school.
  15. He's doing great. Unlikely he'll need it any time soon with awards like this, but he is getting a UT education-- he didn't fall into the Jock's trap of thinking he didn't come here to play school.
  16. No one here is arguing that throwing regularly to the RB as a primary target is good. If the study supports that that WRs are generally better 1st reads than RBs, it will have achieved "water is wet" levels of insight.
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