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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. A lot of doctors are the same. I hate to be crass here but we're not changing the ending. We're prolonging the suffering.
  2. I said this on an ops call today. A slow moving TS that dumps a ton of rain can be worse than a fast moving Cat 4/5. Harvey and the one that hit NC a few years back were good examples.
  3. The last few years, I’ve watched my father and father in law suffer through long, slow, deaths. After seeing this up close and personal, you’ll never be able convince me that assisted suicide shouldn’t be an option.
  4. Over on the travel forum, I have a thread about where to retire and Fredericksburg should be high on the list but not even on it and for that reason. Bat shit local politics under the surface and then the bat shit state politics. (The weather is another problem.) But yeah, great town on the surface but kinda weird when you start really looking.
  5. Underrated risk here is flooding in Nashville over the weekend.
  6. Okie City and Tulsa are purplish. The rest of the state is MAGAstan.
  7. I had Nashville on my short list of places to retire. (I had a thread about it in on the travel board.) Lots of positives but the main negatives were state politics. While Nashville proper is fine, the suburbs are becoming the capital of MAGAstan and Nashville isn't big enough to balance out the state like Atlanta or Phoenix.
  8. Yeah, those middle climate states, particularly NC, TN, and GA. TX will still see in influx due to people moving for jobs but FL has no real economy to speak of.
  9. I think you're underrating the sheer number of people who own homes in high cost areas who are going to retire in the next 10-15 years. They might be upper middle class types but they'll have +$1M in home equity and they're moving somewhere. You are right about Florida, though. The whole premise of retiring there was that it was cheap to buy but that's not cheap and then you add in the insurance and/or POA dues you're seeing. I'm down on FL's immediate future, actually.
  10. The olds will keep moving to FL because it's ingrained into their brains to do that. Although, three hurricanes per year and $2K per month just in home insurance might change that. Keep in mind those olds move from the NE and Midwest and lean heavily Republican, which just makes those areas more Democratic. I do think there will be long term migration patterns out of states that are blast furnaces.
  11. And if they think Biden has enabled Netanyahu then wait until six months into a Trump presidency. Gaza will be completely gone.
  12. So, make it possible for the candidate who will deport them all to Palestine and give Bibi the green light to level the place the week after? That's a great idea.
  13. While all that is true, the OU fan base is surprisingly fair and realistic. They're going to expect to win the SEC most years like they did the Big 12. They know it's more difficult and are fine with that. What they are not fine with right now is that in Year 3, BV's somehow has the worst offense they've ever seen. It doesn't need to be great but at least put something on the field that's not embarrassing. You're right about next year, though.
  14. I'd fight both of you and you'd both lose because I fight dirty. I'd gouge your eyes out with spoon for 30 minutes with her. Wheelhouse.
  15. Oh, that's the new QB's mom. Noice.
  16. Also on that game, they had a patchwork OL and a brand new QB but were getting like 7 ypc on that ground. So, what does the OC dial up. Pass play after pass play for 3 INT's. The offensive staff is stunningly bad and if BV wants to stay HC, he's going to need to stop with Friends & Family at that spot.
  17. You're right. I thought Phoenix had a bigger total vote advantage. They had 2M votes in 2020 with a population of almost 5M. Jeez. I do know they've had a ton of move ins since 2020 with most of them being somewhat left leaning so there's that.
  18. On Arizona, FWIW, we jus spent a week in Scottsdale/Sedona and Dem ads and signs outnumbered R's at least 5 to 1. Harris and Gallego were everywhere with some very well done ads. Very little Trump/Lake presence. I still think she wins PA but if she wins everything else on that list, she can lose PA and NC and still win, assuming she wins GA.
  19. If you were to see him in public and tell someone you knew who had no idea about anything college football that Heupel was the starting QB on a national title team, no one would believe you. Bosworth is 59. Venables is 53. Heupel is 46. Which one looks the oldest?
  20. It's easy to say that now but Heupel was completely awful as OC. Stoops had to do that and to his credit, Heupel learned and grew from it.
  21. He's a fitness psychotic so he prolly does it regularly. Heupel, quite frankly, should do it more. He's 53 and Heupel is 46 but you'd never guess it by looking at either one of them.
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