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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Royal We said:

    I don't know shit about fuck when it comes to TikTok, but it seems like the combo of Project 2025, "Black Jobs", and now Kamala/Coconut Tree/Brat summer have hit the algo like a runaway freight train. Maybe it will be enough to overcome Elmo turning twitter into a de facto arm of Dotard's campaign.  

    Can you explain that to me like I’m a 50 year old man?

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Black women are mobilized. A lot of you won’t see it because the mobilization will be stealthy. And if you’re worried about Black men, I’ll just say this—if theres one thing a Black man won’t do it’s defy the word of his Black mama. They’ll get on board if mana says so.

    Yeah, this.  There is a misnomer about black turnout.  Women vote.  The men don’t.  The women will make them here.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    i have to fly southwest in september

    i'm not happy about it.....



    This comes less than a month after a Southwest Airlines flight descended to just over 500 feet while still 9 miles out from the Oklahoma City airport. In April, a Southwest Airlines flight in Hawaii came within 400 feet of the Pacific Ocean. Last month a Southwest Airlines flight took off from a closed runway in Maine (the story 5 posts up).

    Wanted to buzz the tower?



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  4. 1 hour ago, Nicole44 said:

    That was her exact face when asked how she would feel if Kamala was passed over in favor of some kind of open primary/blitz/ballroom dance/speed dating type of deal with multiple town halls leading into the convention. I actually got her exact face. Delta 9 makes me sharper. I’m invincible. 


    If Harris is the great pol that her fans think she is then she should be able to win this brokered convention.  If she can't win that, she can't win the general and especially govern.

    The Big Cigars likely want Whitmer.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Bernstein on Anderson Cooper. Bernstein has spoken to Biden. Biden feels betrayed. He has helped many people in their careers and where is the loyalty from everyone. His family is also angry. His record is being disrespected he feels. He is especially angry at Pelosi and Schumer. Biden realizes that the current state of candidacy is unlikely. He wants recognition for his record. He sees this as an attack on him. 

    The money is drying up. Many big party leaders don’t want a process where Kamala is “anointed” and it looks like Monday may be a possible announcement for Biden to potentially drop out. That’s all Carl’s reporting. 

    Well, then, maybe he should have more transparent about his health.  He hasn't even had a cabinet meeting since October.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 8 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    What don’t you get. The RNC is connecting with the common American man. I think we are going to get 70% of the white male vote this election. We have had fun tonight. We also did the incredibly moving tribute to the 13 American soldiers killed in Afghanistan as a result of the horrible withdrawal from that country. Biden never contacted any of those families after their deaths.

    The crowd looks like a concert in Branson.

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  7. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    There's a reason the chinese adage "May you live in interesting times" is actually a curse. 

    I've lived in Texas my entire life. I consider myself fairly educated, and of above average intelligent. But I only ACT like I know everything, Rogers. And let me tell you, one of the LAST things on my list to ever spend my free time is brushing up on the Geography of Kentucky. And even lower on the list, much lower, is brushing up on the Geography of fucking Ohio. Ohio. The only place that can look down on Florida. 

    I will admit to being confused. You're telling me that the substantial portion of Beshear's statewide margin came from people who live in the suburbs of Cincinnatti...who live in Ohio? Listen, I realize what you're actually saying there, he's popular in the suburbs regardless of the state, but how is this a better plan than just "Lets go ahead and lock down the state we HAVE TO WIN versus the state we didn't have to win with last time?

    Ohio is the Florida of the Midwest.  Of the big states, it's by far and away the whitest and least educated.  

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    That is not at all what happened in 2015/16.  And I'm really starting to get very pissed at Biden and his people for out-and-out lying about this shit.

    Biden didn't run in 2016 because he was sad about Beau's death.  And I remember that, because a lot of us really wanted him to run because we knew Hillary was a flawed candidate.  Fatally so, as it turned out.  And when the country needed Joe to step in and run in 2016, he took a pass.

    So don't tell me know that he was "pushed aside."  That's bullshit.

    And between that lie and the lies that Biden's people have been telling all of us for the past however-long about Biden's supposed continued mental acuity and the lies that anybody who even asked a question about it was guilty of "ageism," . . . you know--I just don't really trust these people anymore.  And I think they ought to all leave the White House with a sense of embarrassment.

    I'm catching up but yeah, that's bullshit.

    These are the same people that think Biden is some generational pol.  I get being a fan of your own team but jeez.  I'm not only starting to question their judgement but their sense of reality.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Your rage is entirely misplaced.

    You're raging at the media and at the Democratic Party.  You should be raging at Biden and his advisors.

    Biden's advisors have seen him decline over the past however-many years.  Yet they lied to us and said everything was fine.  Worse--they accused anybody who raised any questions about Biden's mental acuity of "ageism.  And then, as if their dishonesty wasn't enough, they put Joe Biden up on that debate stage--an act of political malpractice that is, I think, without parallel in modern American politics.

    Joe Biden has had the most successful administration in my lifetime.  You and I agree on that front.  But Joe Biden's second term would not be successful, because Joe Biden is barely mentally capable of being president today; there's no way he'll be mentally fit to be president in a year or two, much less four.  And absolutely everybody sees that.  And as a result, there's no point in speculating about the success of a second term, because there is no fucking way in hell that Joe Biden is going to win a second term.

    And the reason for this isn't the media.  And it isn't the Democratic Party.  It's the voters, who overwhelmingly say that Biden is not mentally fit to be president.  And you can rage all day at the voters, but in the end, Principal Skinner--it is you whom is out of touch, not the children.

    I cannot stress this enough.  The reason we are where we are is not because of the Democratic Party.  It's not because of the media.  And it's damned sure not because of the voters who saw a fragile old man on that debate stage who looked confused, feeble, and unable to articulate a coherent thought and decided that he should not be president.

    We are where we are entirely because Biden's inner circle thought they could cover up his mental decline through a fucking presidential campaign and skate through because his opponent is just noxious enough that it might not matter that their candidate couldn't effectively campaign.

    We could have been having this conversation a year ago.  We should have been having this conversation a year ago.  The reason we didn't is entirely because of Biden's inner circle.

    You know I love you, but you're dreadfully wrong.

    You and I would vote for Biden if he were in a fucking permanent vegetative state.  But the problem is that we're not in the majority.  If we rallied around Biden after that debate performance, Biden would still lose.  But worse than that, the Senate and House candidates who rallied around him would lose credibility.  They would be justifiably accused of putting party ahead of country.  And they would lose.  We would lose the House.  We would lose the Senate.  We would lose hundreds of state legislative seats.  The Democratic Party would face an electoral catastrophe if we followed the rally-around-Biden strategy you suggest.



    And by the way--I have a very strong suspicion that a lot of this is driven by Hunter and his hope that his dad would issue a pardon in his second term.  I very much think that if Hunter weren't in there pleading for Joe to stay in the race, that Joe would've stood down two weeks ago.

    All of this.  I suspect that history will judge the Biden very Biden very poorly for all this.  He's been slowly going downhill the past year, which is fine if he was at the end of his second term.  However, they were trying to push him for another FIVE years.  Look at Biden now.  FIVE FUCKING YEARS?  That's irresponsible.

    Most everyone on here is Gen X or older and we know it when we see it with elderly people and we see it with both of these guys.

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