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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. I think we all know which word he's going to use and it's not the "N word."
  2. The idea that someone born in 1946 has anything in common generationally with someone born in the mid 60’s has always been ridiculous. They were old enough to go to Vietnam while the others were barely born. No one in consumer products would lump a 60 year old in with a 78 year old.
  3. Does Obama seem like he’s a boomer to you? Did you watch Bill Clinton’s speech? Harris is 9 years older than I am and Obama is 13 years older. The Clintons are as old as my parents.
  4. Harris and Obama are both Gen X. Stop splitting hairs. They’re not close to being Boomers like Hillary.
  5. Also, Harris isn’t leaning into the first woman angle like Hillary did. She knows we know she’s a woman. She’s saying vote for me because I’m better and I happen to be a woman vs vote for me because I’m a woman.
  6. Think about his kids. That woman he married 10 years ago is about to be the first woman president.
  7. Michigan has some really impressive Dem pols. We really liked that sheriff.
  8. Is Beyoncé really a surprise? I thought it was well know she’s doing Freedom after Harris speaks.
  9. God fucking damnit, I'd run through a wall for Walz.
  10. Yeah, this. They built it in the middle of fucking nowhere. Why can't the car rental place be somewhat close to the airport?
  11. I wonder if the people saying the Dems had a coup are going to be concerned about all those volunteers who got RFK on the ballot.
  12. We need to change the thread title for tonight: Balz to the Walz…
  13. It's like other good shooters looking at Steph Curry and saying "shit, man...."
  14. I forgot how much the shit Barack Obama is.
  15. Were the Obamas really the first family in my lifetime? Seems life forever ago. They really are the best of us.
  16. Michelle took the rebound, led the break, euro stepped and finished with god damn mother fucking authority.
  17. "The affirmative action of generational wealth." Fucking get it, Michelle.
  18. It’s like The Villages where all the music and schtick from when they were young.
  19. Who could have seen this coming? Tough shit, though. He’s already on the ballot.
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