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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. “Race doesn’t matter!” “Harris isn’t really black?”
  2. We're all waiting for it and the people will say "I don't support a racist but Biden wants to forgive student loans!!!!" Also, polls are all these people have had for four years. They're basically Aggy. They've lost every election but they win all of the polls. When the polls now start to go South, he'll come unglued.
  3. And it won't matter. The same people that stuck with him after Access Hollywood will still be there.....
  4. That's a good way to put it. I turned 18 in 1992 and someone who turned 18 in 1982 under Reagan likely has as totally different view even though we're both Gen X
  5. As a young Gen X-er, I think you see a split between those of us born in the mid to late 70's vs the ones born in the 60's. I'm 50 and that poll has me lumped in with 60 year olds and there is a huge demographic difference there. I have more in common with elder millenials than 60 year olds.
  6. Are you from Kentucky? I know he does a great job of getting otherwise right leaning whites to vote for him. Why is that?
  7. They allow kids to pay $200 for a reserved spot? WTF?
  8. That is 100% where I'm at regarding Beshear. With the racial (not racist but racial) horse trading we have going on here, Beshear appeals directly the white suburban voters (women) and one reason is because he's good looking and has a good looking family. (Let's be honest, looks matter here. Harris is good looking and telegenic, too.) These passive white voters will start paying attention in September and October and they'll see this:
  9. This 350 lbs fat guy is tougher than Simone Biles:
  10. I've thought that as well. It's like the whole campaign was centered around Biden being old and it's not like no one thought there was a chance of a switch out. Harris has also been on the national stage since 2020 so it's not like they don't know who she is. She's a black woman for god's sake so that's the Dog Whistle Bingo for them. You think they'd be ready to go.
  11. I'm fine with either but on thing going for Bashear is he's, quite frankly, good looking and has a good looking family. (Sorry that matters.) Same applies to Harris as well. She's attractive and telegenic. Compare that to the opposite ticket of Dotard and the Incel Care Bear.
  12. The crowd will be the same band of traveling lunatics that follow him around the country like those people in the RV's in Independence Day.
  13. I've said this in other posts but they're not wrong. We all have THAT person on our social media if not our own families. They're a little off. 20% of Republicans thought Taylor Swift was a CIA plant. That's like 40-45% of the country. They're insane.
  14. If it's Beshear, that's a good choice. I've warmed up to Walz but Beshear does a great job of getting right leaning whites to vote for him. (I'm not sure why but he does.) He's also younger, which I like. Harris won't win KY but he'll help in the rest of the Midwest and with suburban whites nationwide. (Not winning Ohio, either.) Yes, if he's getting any SS protection at all, it's him.
  15. I agree and that's why I'm warming up to Walz, especially the more I hear him talk. He brings those economic issues front and center. "Call me what you want but I just want to feed some kids."
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