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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. I agree and that's why I'm warming up to Walz, especially the more I hear him talk. He brings those economic issues front and center. "Call me what you want but I just want to feed some kids."
  2. On your last sentence, that is where these people expose themselves. On one hand, they say we (America) need a higher birth rate for maintenance. (They may not be wrong, BTW.) Then, they'll tell you that we need to curb immigration. "America is full!" That's them telling you that they only want a certain type of children.
  3. What the fuck is he eating? A small hot dog and a huge plate of french fries? That's ass.
  4. I thought they didn't like drag queens.
  5. "You'll regret not having kids" should be pushed back with "do you regret having them?" There are plenty of people that regret having kids. They just never say so publicly.
  6. As someone who has a lifetime of child free living by choice, let me weigh into the fray here. (FWIW, I'm 50 years old and have been married 17 years. Neither of us wanted kids and want them even less for every day that goes by. We also have dozens of friends just like us and we have wonderful lives.) That being said, we're not offended by what he's saying. We just think he's stupid. It's like your 8 year old arguing with you. Why get upset about it? Everyone like me has ran across this guy dozens of times. They're perfectly normal and then they have kids which makes them think they're on a higher plane of existence. In reality, they're just the same person they were before but now just arrogant. We hear all the same phrases like "you'll regret it one day," or "who will take care of you when you're old" or "you don't know what you're missing," blah, blah, blah. The people with kids are always trying to convince the people without kids. It's never the other way around. It's like they're trying to convince themselves. Having kids doesn't make Vance original or a deep thinker. His views about it make him a walking cliche and it's one I've seen repeated over the years.
  7. What kind are those? Snakeskin it looks like? Do you remember the model name like they have for everything else? I did the same thing you did. I got fitted in the store in Oklahoma City, they didn't have the exact size so they just shipped them to my house. Very easy to deal with. Their apparel lines are also sharp looking. I still like the western look. The problem is most of the people that try it look like bro country dick heads like that ass hat Jason Aldean with his stupid broken straw hat. They look like some youth minister in some non dom church.
  8. Walz might not look the part but the dude has charisma and speaks like average people. I'm really starting to think he should be the pick. I still like Kelly because of electoral math but Walz slaps or whatever the kids say now.
  9. Unlike Vance or whoever, Walz is an actual populist.
  10. He's Clintonesque (Bill) in how he simply explains the issues and how they directly impact average people's lives.
  11. Cooper told everyone to come for hockey, golf, and NASCAR. He knows his audience here.
  12. Josh Groban on now. They should have had him for the white women's call.
  13. The Big Lebwoski now. (Jeff Bridges.) The ultimate white guy.
  14. Likely being triggered because they were called weird as kids.
  15. Thought he would have been a good pick but they all are. Who is realistically left on the island? Kelly, Bashears, and Walz?
  16. That is outstanding on so many levels. GREAT casting and wardrobe. Just lulz.
  17. You and I gotta type..... But yeah, this "weird" thing is landing because it's true. Literally everyone has THAT person on FB or something and they're a little off.
  18. These are the same people who believed Taylor Swift was a CIA plant and that wasn't an insignificant amount of people.
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