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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Once companies realize advertising on Facebook is useless then the whole thing will crash.  P&G quit spending hundreds of millions of dollars on ads on FB and YouTube and it didn't impact their sales at all.

    Most of Facebook's users at this point are olds talking to each other and advertisers hate olds.

  2. 2 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Yup.  Big guys on rivers of coke were pretty damn formidable.


    On 7/24/2018 at 7:41 PM, BornOrange said:

    Leach was wrong in that article when he said no one ever truly learned how to stop the Wishbone.

    Jimmy Johnson showed you need to have a big athletic line that can shut down the fullback dive without having to stuff the box and enough speed at linebacker and in the secondary to string out the option. Miami was able to shut down the Wishbone because of the talent they had on defense.


    2 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    To be fair, those Miami teams would have shut down any offense.

    Yeah, Jimmy Johnson didn't figure out how to stop the wishbone.  He had an entire defense of 1st and 2nd round picks and future HOF'ers.

    He did put more of an emphasis on speed, though.  Go watch classic games from the 80's and you'll see LB's with thick necks who weight 250 lbs.  Jimmy got smaller ones who could run sideline to sideline and that's what they all look like now.


  3. Don't know if already posted but Coke is raising prices specifically due to the tariffs.  Big CPG companies are all getting pinched right now and you'll see significant price increases over the next 12-24:


    Coca-Cola Co. KO +0.69% reported rising drink volumes in its latest quarter, boosted by demand for diet sodas in the U.S. and by experiments abroad. But it also said it would take the unusual step of raising prices on its carbonated soft drinks in the middle of the year. 

    Chief Executive James Quincey said the price move in North America was in response to rising costs, including higher freight rates and metal prices after the U.S. placed tariffs on Chinese imports earlier this year.

  4. 40 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Fucking this. W was arguably the worst president since the civil war and Republicans won an enormous wave election two years after he left office. The GOP is Teflon.

    Exactly.  They were complaining in 2009 that Obama hadn't fixed everything fast enough.

  5. 2 hours ago, Message Board User said:

    Also go look at what happened in Georgia as soon as Trump endorsed Kemp.  

    The MAGAs will show up if Trump tells them to.

    The Trumpy candidate in Oklahoma finished 3rd in the primary.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    New Q-Poll: D+12

    Lead with women by 25!

    Lead with independents by 17

    Lead with college educated whites by 13(!!!) - goodbye suburban Republican districts

    This is not to be understated.  These upscale white suburbs are the cornerstone of these gerrymandered districts.  If they slip at all, the GOP is fucked.  (That's what happened in Virginia.)

  7. 12 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

     So Republicans are down to just dumb people and my family.  Or am I being redundant? 

    You should see the Okie contingent on my Facebook feed.  They think Trump is god and some of these people are true dumb shits and that has nothing to do with their Trump support.

  8. I'll saw this but I've been extremely impressed with the Democratic candidates nationwide.  Some of them have never run for office before but they have great stories, compelling reasons to run for office, and a desire to change direction of the country and not just their party.  The Democratic Party has sucked ass at candidate recruitment the past 10 years and it's refreshing to see the new and younger candidates step to the forefront.

    They may not all win but it's a breath of fresh air to have them in the conversation.

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  9. 8 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Something is gonna give.  She's now going to have to face reporters who listened to the Cohen tape, and who want to know about his little Russians helping Democrats tweet, among other things.  

    The flip side is that this is as high as she'll ever go.  Fox won't give her a show - Trump would just mock her looks.

    She'll follow the Huckabee model by writing shitty 100 page books, speaking engagements at conservative groups, and maybe even run for president a time or two just to keep her name in the mix.  Her dad has milked this for 20 years now.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:


    Just a couple of the many tweets like this on the story about the tapes.  Current environment in a nutshell. 

    They were doing significantly better in 2016 than they were in 2008 but they still hated Obama.  The economics don't matter, they just like to say it does because it gives them cover.

  11. Listened to the tape.  Trump sounds a million times more coherent there than he does now and that was only two years ago.  He can barely string a sentence together at this point.

  12. 2 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    They have delusions of grandeur. They are going to save the day and be heroes. Chicks will dig them.  


    4 hours ago, Chuychanga said:

    I'm a gun owner but there's not a bigger bunch of pussies than the guys who feel like they need to be constantly carrying just to get through everyday life. 

    They see themselves as "good guys with guns."

  13. 1 hour ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    It's pretty well documented if you're willing to search around the internet for stories. I remember reading one forum post talking about how they were at a party with Demi and she took some cocaine and told a guy to fuck her right now on the couch....and they did it in the middle of the party. Cocaine is a hell of a drug ( and sex usually goes hand in hand)

    I'll be honest.  It moved.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I don't disagree with that. He will attempt to delegitimize the election.  The question is whether the current GOP will go along.  To date, if the the choice is between winning and democracy, they will chuck democracy over the side.

    That's a given.  That was the plan in 2016.  Screaming about it being "rigged" and when he lost, he would carry that torch for years.  

  15. 8 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I've had the same thought.  But I think the level of Russian coordination with Republicans and Republican-leaning groups (e.g., the NRA) indicates that they're too committed to the GOP to switch sides.

    Yeah, they might like the chaos but if they manage to piss off both parties, then they'll both unite and come down hard.  They're in with the GOP at this point.

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