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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Finally saw the Staircase.  Not that great.  Guy was obviously guilty and the prosecution flubbed some things but the show could have been 4-5 episodes at best.  Could have easily been a 48 Hours/Dateline mystery.  Most of the episodes were people just sitting around talking.  Does anything end up on the cutting room floor anymore or do some of these shows just include everything?

    Someone like Malcom Gladwell can tell twice the story in a 45 minute podcast.


  2. 18 hours ago, woohorn said:


    "Colonel Sanders called blacks n-----s," Schnatter reportedly said on the call, adding the Sanders didn't face outcry for his statements.


    Ah, the old "(Insert Name) gets to use the 'N Word', why can't I?"

    Why do you want to walk around spewing racial epitaphs?

    • Like 2
  3. 43 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Well, if its baseball, I get that, but not if he is giving away tickets.  I bought 10 tickets to a game last week on my credit card, but my friends paid me back for their seats.  I don't know how you get to 200k on that though.  If he was giving away tickets to ladder climb or curry favor that would be an auto-disqualifier for a judge in my book.

    The $0 net worth thing is easy.  You're looking at it from the perspective of a private sector working stiff.  I doubt his pension is counting towards his net worth even though he will be relying on it for the bulk, if not all, of his retirement.

    Yeah, combine his pension with his house as an asset and his balance sheet is fine outside of the CC and personal loan, which is outrageous.

  4. 3 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    The worst thing you can have on any team is a guy who used to be a superstar, that is no longer a superstar, but believes he still is a superstar.

    2 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    What if said ex-"superstar" is also legitimately allergic to defense?  Than you just have to pick him up, correct?


    It's also better if he's 35 years old and was never in great shape to begin with.  If any team takes Melo and expects him to play significant minutes for the entire season, they're going to be extremely disappointed when he breaks down by the time the playoffs roll around.

  5. 1 minute ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Calling abuse victims liars is straight out of the Republican playbook. Most of the R posters here do it too.

    The damnedest thing I've seen in the Trump years is kids getting shot in a school and Christians calling them liars.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    What he should have said:  "Yes, I had heard some of the rumors.  I didn't know all of the specifics which are coming out now.  But, I should have done something about it.  Not to excuse my lack of action, but there are a lot people who should have done something about it. When I reflect on the past, there are many things I think that have changed for the worse.  But clearly there are things that have changed for the better.  A willingness to speak up and expose abuse is something that has changed for the better, but we must continue to improve.  It wasn't just Ohio State wrestling, or Ohio State athletics which ignored a sexual predator.  We have heard this kind of story repeated time and time again, in our schools, in the business world, and even in our churches. People in authority need to speak up, regardless of how uncomfortable it is, regardless of the bad publicity it might cause the institutions we support.  I should have spoken up.  And for my failure, I apologize."

    Instead he called the victims liars.   

    That's basically what Roy Moore did.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Silly to think that most companies will give wages or bonuses because they are more profitable due to tax changes.  It doesn't mean that it's 0 but wages and bonus increases would mainly be due to performance and market forces not because Uncle Sam gave them a break. 

    The only exception that I can see is if a company needed to increase wages or bonuses but couldn't do so because of lack of funds, and the tax break gave them the funds.  You could argue the tax break helped this 1 specific scenario.

    Not many large corporations were in that scenario, though.  Most of them were sitting on a mountain of cash before the tax cut.

  8. The media occupies so much real estate in the minds of conservatives that all you have to do is blame something on the media and they're blind to everything else.  It's fascinating, actually.  In one of the stories posted about a factory worker losing his job due to the tariffs, the worker himself actually mentioned the media in his quote.  I forget the details but that fact that the media was even on his mind was fascinating to me.

  9. Trump is actively trying to break up the NATO alliance at this point.  He's not even being subtle about it.

    No one would be surprised if later this year he pulled the US out of NATO.....

    • Like 1
  10. He's right, you know.  That is, he's right if he's serious.

    On one hand, he tells us that Russia is nothing to worry about but then here he is carping about Germany buying gas from Russia.  Also, he talks about how they're not spending on defense.  This is after a huge increase in our defense budget.  Why should they pay for defense is we're going to spend astronomical sums of money?

  11. Corporate America threw Wall Street a record-shattering party last quarter.

    Flooded with cash from the Republican tax cut, US public companies announced a whopping $436.6 billion worth of stock buybacks, according to research firm TrimTabs.

    Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


  12. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    After his business fails, he'll be able to light and heat his house by burning printed copies of Hillary's e-mails.....

    In all seriousness, these people are OK with this now but when they miss the first bank payment, shit will get real fast.  

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, Dropout said:

    Damn right millennial socialism is coming

    Yeah, this.  


    They've been told capitalism is great but they have huge student loan bills and mediocre job prospects.  You can argue the details all you want but that's how they see it.  Boomer Steve had a high school diploma but still had a solid life so of course he thinks capitalism is great.  Never mind that Steve benefited from socialistic things like public education, high marginal tax rates, and massive government infrastructure programs.

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