Still, some tradwife creators appear to be popular if you look at their follower counts, and they certainly generate a lot of chatter. But I often think: Who is this content really for? Sure, some portion of their followers are probably like-minded women, but a new study from Media Matters made me wonder if the tradwife’s main audience is actually right-leaning men:
Media Matters coded and analyzed 327 recommended videos after exclusively interacting with tradwife content and documented what happened. We found TikTok’s recommendation algorithm rapidly populated our F.Y.P. [For You page] with conspiracy theory content and fearmongering, which made up nearly one-third of all videos served to the F.Y.P.
After interacting with tradwives, the study found, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm also served up “19 videos featuring extremist right-wing media figures,” such as Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes.