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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Yeah, this is why they all had long faces the day after the debate. It’s like how everyone here wanted Jimbo to win enough to stay at Aggy.
  2. This is how you move on from Harris. Tag with her part of the deception.
  4. Yeah, this. Had Trump died or something leaving Pence the nominee, you wouldn't see Republicans not voting.
  5. Trump is also too old. This needs to be hammered like a nail as soon as there is a new nominee.
  6. Shit gettin' real now: Abigail Disney, the granddaughter to Roy O. Disney, who cofounded The Walt Disney Company, told CNBC on Thursday that she plans to withhold donations to the party she has funded for years until Biden drops out. The president has said he has no plans to withdraw from the race, despite calls for him to do so. And she’s not the only one pausing gifts until Biden steps down. Gideon Stein, the president of the Moriah Fund, said he’s decided to pause planned donations of $3.5 million, earmarked for nonprofits and political organizations aligned with the presidential race. “Joe Biden has been a very effective president, but unless he steps aside my family and I are pausing on more than $3 million in planned donations to nonprofits and political organizations aligned with the presidential race, with the exception of some down ballot work,” Stein said. “Virtually every major donor I’ve talked to believes that we need a new candidate in order to defeat Donald Trump.” Karla Jurvetson, a philanthropist and major Democratic donor, hinted as recently as Tuesday in a private donor call that she agrees with the sentiment on pausing donations until Biden steps down and could end up making such move, according to a person familiar with her remarks. The person was granted anonymity in order to speak freely about a private conversation. A spokesman for Jurvetson did not return repeated requests for comment. Jurvetson is among the top 50 donors this cycle across the country, donating over $5 million to Democrats, according to OpenSecrets. She’s given over $200,000 to the Biden Victory Fund this cycle, according to FEC records. Jurvetson gave over $30 million to Democrats in 2020, according to the data. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/04/democratic-donors-wont-finance-party-until-joe-biden-drops-out.html
  7. Just as important, he might get some whites in PA, MI, and WI....
  8. He's younger, too. I like Cooper but he's 67, according to the Inter-google. All three of them seem to be able to get votes in either red or purple states.
  9. As much as I'd like Kelly, those aren't terrible choices, particularly Beshear...
  10. She ran for president and her campaign was a complete wreck and she finished 6th or something. The Biden people actively don't like her in the WH. It's not like she's a new recruit. We've seen how she plays.
  11. The sports analogy is she's an assistant coach and always will be. Sure, someone might hire her as a HC but they'll be reminded why she's an assistant.
  12. That's like it reads from the Onion.
  13. We're all about the same here, which means we're all dealing or have dealt with older relatives. We all know they never get better. The only plateau and then decline again. We know that Biden is a confused old man who has gotten worse since 2020 and 2022 and we also know that Trump is 2-3 years away from having full on dementia. Not everyone ages like Rita Moreno or Warren Buffett. They are the exceptions.
  14. The kidnapping story is fucking insane and 99% of people don't know about it. They would if she's the nominee, though, and it reminds people about how crazy the MAGA crowd is.
  15. If Whitmer wins an actual vote, what about keeping Harris on the ticket? It makes the block women happy. Harris wouldn’t like it but tough shit. She’s take it anyway.
  16. At least 40% of America's head would explode if it were two women on the ticket. Sexism spans the political spectrum.
  17. He's openly auditioning to be Trump's Secretary of Education.
  18. You mean the ones who are secretly pro choice?
  19. As much as we hate Harris for being bad at politics, black women vote and they love her. They also move the needle in states like GA, PA, MI, and WI.
  20. Correct. A Harris/Kelly ticket, for example, would win. I'm not sure where the notion she can't win PA, MI, and WI came from. Republicans have basically lost everything there since Dobbs. Harris might also help with turnout in the cities.
  21. Not sure how that would work but neither Harris or Newsom would likely win that.
  22. I like the Kelly ticket, especially with abortion being on the ballot in AZ as well. They'd easily carry that and maybe GA with Harris. Means they wouldn't have to run the table with PA, MI, and WI. All of those are good options, though.
  23. That reads more like they're stuck with her vs "top choice." Although, a Harris/Mark Kelly ticket is interesting and would likely win.
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