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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Tried to make her kid's draft night all about her. I expect her to move to Houston and travel with the team on road trips.
  2. Houston gets the #3 pick and takes an undersized guard that can't create his own shot? Of course.
  3. The Clips traded their entire future for him, too. If this goes through, they'll be left with the broke dick nephew and whatever they get from GS. Congrats. OKC owns a lot of their picks, too.
  5. The party of personal freedom wants to force people to stay married to someone they don't want to be married to.
  6. Ha ha:
  7. No, but I've thought about it. I'm trying to break them in I've thought about it to make the heel more snug, if anything.
  8. Only about $1K. I say "only" because if you end up with a custom fitting, you'll pay a lot more. My size was fairly standard (11.5/D) so I could just order from the warehouse. It's taken about a week or so to break them in and now they feel great.
  9. There is nothing to leave. He doesn't even have a family office. It's why Ivanka bolted.
  10. Yeah, these seem to be basic pilot errors. What the fuck is going on?
  11. Good Lord: A Boeing 737 aircraft suddenly plummeted to less than 500 feet off the ground over Oklahoma, terrifying residents who feared the jet was going to crash. Southwest Airlines Flight 4069 was nine miles away from Will Rogers World Airport just after midnight on Wednesday when records show the 737 dived to between 400 and 500 feet as it flew over a high school in the city of Yukon. Doorbell camera footage showed the Boeing 737 MAX-8 then hovering above houses, before it flies out of frame. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13553621/Oklahoma-Southwest-Boeing-737-500-ft-neighborhood.html
  12. His current wife also has breast cancer. The problem with the Pistons isn't the coach. It's the roster. They draft poorly and get unlucky in the lottery on top of that. My guess is that Cade leaves or they trade him and blow everything up.
  13. I guess leave here: Why Many Regret Moving to Texas Post-Pandemic https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-many-regret-moving-texas-170009198.html#:~:text=Housing Market Pressures,a competitive and expensive market.”
  14. Back when I was 25, I bought myself a pair of dark cherry, ostrich skin Lucchese boots. The boots were/are sharp looking but it was just one in a long line of bad decisions at the time. I turned 50 last week and all year I kept racking my brain trying to think of what I wanted. I kept coming back to the Lucchese's. I wanted to book end the last 25 years. If you told 25 year me the life 50 year old me would have, he would have thought you were high. So, for my 50th, I got a pair of brown, alligator skin boots. I ordered them from a store to ship to my house due to them being a particular size. The store people were great to deal with. There is still something sharp about that cowboy/cowgirl look. Boots, tight jeans, and a simply shirt or blazer. (Not the bro country dip shits who look like a youth minister at a non denominational church.) Old boots on the left. They held up well. Ostrich skin boots slap with some drip or whatever the kids say now....
  15. Lexington is a nice but odd town. If you're not there for bourbon or horses, there is literally nothing to do. Cute town otherwise, though. We were disappointed in the on campus talent, though. While driving around, even my wife said "Damn. I thought there were supposed to be SEC?" Look forward to the road games there, though.
  16. Just checking in to see if he was trans or not? Nope? Interesting....
  17. What. The. Fuck? Isn’t that like basic pilot 101 stuff?
  18. Correct. He wants more kids but not "those" kids. He's vehemently anti immigration.
  19. That's where the ethics reform comes in. I don't know what the looks like but it needs to have teeth. One of Thomas' complaints was that he was underpaid or something. Fine. Pay them more but cut off the gravy train.
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