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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. This is a winning issue for the Dems here but they're too incompetent to do anything about it. Biden should come out with a plan to double their salaries but then have real, actual, ethic reform. Also, end lifetime appointments. That's the worst idea ever and if you were to suggest it now, you'd be laughed out of the room.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/martha-ann-alito-condemns-pride-224621790.html
  3. Saw this:: Sources add that Mrs. Alito also has a longstanding reputation in influential GOP circles for ranting about politics, the culture wars, the Left, and the burning grudges she’s nursed since at least the George W. Bush era. Commenting on the Alito family’s dynamic, a well-connected GOP lawyer says that Justice Alito “is like if you turned National Review into a single person.” Martha-Ann Alito, the lawyer says, “talks like if Breitbart assumed a human vessel … They’re the Washington couple of Donald Trump’s dreams.”
  4. Yes, it is. Why?
  5. So, why didn't the rest of the Arab world do something about that? BTW, I don't buy for an instant that the Palestinian people don't want a pile of dead Jews. What happens on 10/7 was barbaric and that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Why is "Palestine" always the staging ground for invasions into Israel?
  6. No, not trolling. You're saying that have the conditions except the leadership that they appoint to be leaders. That's part of it. The populace has to have to the will and desire to be a functioning country. The country has to be more than a staging ground for invasions into Israel, which is all it has ever been since 1948. Dubai, Singapore, Taiwan, and Abu Dabi have almost zero natural resources but they have shown a will to put commerce ahead of anything else. Palestine has not shown that. Sure, they have some resources. What would they do with them? You act like Hamas acts in a bubble separate from the actual Palestinians they most decidedly do not.
  7. So, no, you haven't taken a history class. Thanks.
  8. If they invaded the US and cut the breasts off women, gang raped them, and then shot them in the head...... I'd blow them off the fucking map. Lee Greenwood would even write a song about it. But you said they're run by fuckwits.
  9. Have you ever taken a history class?
  10. So, Gaza is not capable of being a functioning country?
  11. That's actually a really good point. They diverted whatever food they had to the hostages because they knew they had value.
  12. So, they were more than able to have a fully functioning economy this time last year? You can't say that they don't have an economy because of damage resulting from a war that they started.
  13. So, if Israel lifted all of those restrictions, they could have a reasonably self sufficient economy without any outside help? (Thanks for the answer, BTW. I didn't know most of that.) That leads to me second question. If they're an independent state that later attacks Israel, what should Israel do?
  14. Yes, if the war is going to badly and it's "genocide," then why don't Palestine and Hamas simply surrender and end it?
  15. Oh, and this is a complete nonsense answer. We literally bombed Germany and Japan to the ground. Germany literally bombed Russia to the ground. All three of those countries had actual economies within 10-20 years. "Palestine" has been an imaginary thing since 1948 and what have they done?
  16. No, I'm asking you. You're saying they should have a country. Fine. What does that country look like? How do they keep the lights on? Keep people fed? If you don't know, that means you're just spitting out talking points without thinking about thinking about the next step. "FREE PALESTINE!!!!" Ok, they're free. Now what? Having your own country actually means something.
  17. I asked a serious question. Is there an actual answer to it? We're not talking about human rights. Of course they deserve that. We're talking about statehood. If they're going to be a country, what does their economy look like? How are they going to run that country? What should Israel do if another country (Palestine in this case) launches an attack on them? This is a serious question. If you don't have an answer, that's troubling considering they've supposedly wanted their own country for decades. If you don't have an answer, just say so.
  18. What would the economy of a Palestinian state look like? What would be their chief export? Whose currency would they use? How would they import their own food? They've had 50 some odd years to work on these things so they shouldn't be starting from scratch.
  19. Not about race at all. What have they done to deserve their own country and what kind of country would it be?
  20. This is an underrated point. If there to become their own country, what kind of country would they be? Hamas and the Palestinians haven't shown they're interested in the unsexy parts of running a government like picking up the trash and infrastructure and what not. They're more interested in a pile of dead Jews. Personally, if I were Israel, I'd give them their own country and then I'd wall it off like the Berlin Wall and then if they start shit over the years, I'd blow it off the map.
  21. This will likely disappoint the Hamas sympathizers in America and how some "peaceful" Palestinian civilians knew where the hostages were being held. Glad the US helped out, too.
  22. Michael Bloomberg now part of the group buying the Timberwolves. That moves the needle for that franchise.....
  23. Yeah, the party of “individual liberty” wants to force you to stay married to someone you don’t want to be married to.
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