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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. I think we can all agree that the most important thing here is that the officer made it home safe.
  2. AOC was also a bartender in Queens. I also wouldn't fuck with anyone from Souf Dallas named Jasmine. She prolly been in a 2am fight at a Waffle House at some point.
  3. That really is the best part. Raskin is dying and Comer is like "Do wut?"
  4. If they threw down, I'd put my entire life savings on Crockett.
  5. LPD shot and killed Breonna Taylor and got promoted.
  6. Any more detail on this?
  7. Aqua Buddha


    They even say that in the commercials. How it's even a thing is a mystery to me. My GI doc said they completely ignore anything it says. Kate Couric pitching for them particularly galls me considering her husbands diet of colon cancer.
  8. Without SGA's 11/19, OKC is shooting 35% from the field.
  9. Yeah, they're hitting that but OKC is missing wide open 3's, even from the good shooters. You can only do so much when the shots aren't falling.
  10. OKC is a good shooting team but they've shot for shit this entire series. Even the good shooters aren't hitting.
  11. https://med.emory.edu/departments/radiation-oncology/profile/?u=EBUTKER
  12. I like how he told men to get off the internet and quit looking at porn and playing video games. Oh, wait. What? He didn't tell men anything at all? Women really like it when men tell them what to do and how to think.
  13. it's obvious. He'll back out at the last minute for arbitrary reason, claim it's rigged, and the cult followers will believe him.
  14. Still, some tradwife creators appear to be popular if you look at their follower counts, and they certainly generate a lot of chatter. But I often think: Who is this content really for? Sure, some portion of their followers are probably like-minded women, but a new study from Media Matters made me wonder if the tradwife’s main audience is actually right-leaning men: Media Matters coded and analyzed 327 recommended videos after exclusively interacting with tradwife content and documented what happened. We found TikTok’s recommendation algorithm rapidly populated our F.Y.P. [For You page] with conspiracy theory content and fearmongering, which made up nearly one-third of all videos served to the F.Y.P. After interacting with tradwives, the study found, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm also served up “19 videos featuring extremist right-wing media figures,” such as Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/opinion/tradwife-tiktok.html
  15. Shut up and kick.
  16. In the next breath it's "THERE'S A MARRIAGE CRISIS!!!!" Women want to get married. They just don't want to marry you.
  17. Why is Kyrie's head snapping back?
  18. He was never a good stand up comic, quite frankly, and still isn't. I forget how he got Politically Incorrect but it was solid and he got cancelled. He later reappeared on HBO. He used to be more libertarian but now he's an old white guy who thinks everything is woke.
  19. Not so sure. Does this include the local games? Some teams (OKC) have absolutely horrible local TV deals. Bally Sports is literally bankrupt. If those games can be put on Peacock, then that's a major win. Not sure about League Pass and how that's structured, though.
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