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Kel Varnsen

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About Kel Varnsen

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  1. What a miserable pustule of human excrement!
  2. Got an email saying single-game tickets were ready to buy. This is all I get no matter how many tickets I choose.
  3. But I keep winning 100% off off my item when I go to their website. How could I not buy?
  4. Please stop neg-banning GRU. He'll just come back with another account. Let him keep this account so that we can put it on ignore.
  5. I'm going to call it the Body of Water Formerly Known as The Gulf of Mexico. Pancakes
  6. Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away.
  7. You better treat my girl Judy right
  8. Like fucking clockwork
  9. Yes, tu has 5* recruits coming in, but we know how those work out. Our 5* are game changers hand picked by Elk.
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