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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. Stevie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kid Rock
  2. Watching that J6 footage makes me literally sick to my stomach.
  3. Can someone post the link to Bortomorons recanting her accusation now that it was proven to be a falsehood?
  4. I don't even watch all the speakers but I leave it streaming so I can increase the viewership. Only because I know it irks DJT when his rating are lower.
  5. Tony felt bad when he had to whack this guy and throw him in the ocean for wearing a wire.
  6. Transgenders 1 Religious Leaders 200 Maybe they'll catch up in the 4th quarter
  7. Will I get raped by a man or a woman? Will determine if I really need bread.
  8. This guy killed Patrick Swayze... nobody is listening to him.
  9. A watermelon and chicken taco sounds like something Torchy's would serve as Taco of the Month.
  10. How could I have never seen or heard of this American Classic?
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