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Distinguished Gentleman

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Everything posted by Distinguished Gentleman

  1. No. They exist for the scammers that create them to extract value from people that are uneducated or straight up degen gambling. Here you go, Capitan "People who say stupid things about bitcoin are not just making their own pathetic selves poorer; they are also impoverishing all the people who have the misfortune of listening to them."
  2. Disingenuous at best. No one thinks memecoins are stores of value. Pure gambling. Great way to lose money.
  3. Where's the government backing, specifically? Anyway, governments and public officials were always going to get on board eventually. Actors will follow financial incentives. That's the beauty of the system. It's a positive reinforcing cycle. This is correct. Keep fucking that chicken. You're doing great. Anyway, will be interesting to see this morning. BTC typically pumps at market open. I'm guessing that might be etfs settling up with the previous days purchases?
  4. you're welcome to do what you want, but look at the xrp/btc chart over time. not good. In a ecosystem infested with scams, ripple/xrp is near the top. have dumped coins on retail for years. Good luck.
  5. Talk about a sell the news item. There is not large institutional desire to hold xrp. Look at eth since ETF launch. Hard to imagine etf helping xrp. For sure.
  6. You should sell. XRP has a history of pumping and fading.
  7. But if you bought in 2016 then it’s almost all cap gains anyway. here you go Try @cryptotaxgirl
  8. I’m not sure of the answer here, but I bet it’s not uncommon. If you’re a twitter user it seems like that’s something searchable or you could ask a crypto tax person directly and get a general response.
  9. There have been signs it was time for a pullback. Cramer said to buy BTC. A good sign personally was P&L posting. 😝 But if you think with all the tailwinds present that we’re done with this cycle then I’m afraid you’re mistaken. I actually sold some MSTR on this pullback. Hope it holds for a couple days so i can get in some LEAPS on it. We’ll see. it hasn’t even gotten crazy yet. 2025 will be a dream.
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