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Certifiably Surly
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Deej last won the day on January 30 2024

Deej had the most liked content!


80731 Surly 1%


About Deej

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  1. Now, with vehicle inspections a thing of the past in Texas, you'll have many more random car parts flying into the path of your vehicle at a high rate of speed.
  2. You are the epitome of everything you complain about.
  3. They seem a little too...ummm...cozy.
  4. Maybe not the fuckers going 45 in the left lane every goddamned morning.
  5. David Chang is going to sue you for using his trademarked term "chili crisp".
  6. It's very blackberry forward, to the point of the actual Dr. Pepper flavor tasting too thin.
  7. Haha... https://www.kxan.com/news/weird-reactions-austin-tesla-owner-talks-about-hate-hes-received-after-buying-car/
  8. People who want their kids to shut the fuck up?
  9. I'd say he's the best person for the job.
  10. The Chik Fil A on 6th is open until midnight, if you want a romantic late-night with your wife.
  11. Not cool of Schloss to pass judgement on the fans' choice of sexual entertainment. So what they wanted some milkmen grinding their cocks in their faces?
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