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Certifiably Surly
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Deej last won the day on January 30 2024

Deej had the most liked content!


79478 Surly 1%


About Deej

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  1. I've got a hollow body with mini-buckers. They are nice.
  2. $5.38 apiece doesn't seem like a great deal.
  3. Just about any hybrid. The drivers all seem to be playing the "just how high can I keep the gas mileage" game.
  4. I hope their parents can get to Tractor Supply in time to get their medication.
  5. But that bar goes so well with $35/lb brisket and $6 sides. Plus, who wants to drive their pristine $100k Ford F-150 to some dumpy looking joint.
  6. Those Baylor co-eds shouldn't have gone into those football players.
  7. Yes. They take you there on a special, short bus.
  8. Deej

    Post Malone

    Koresh was fire, though.
  9. Deej

    Post Malone

    So is Lance Armstrong. So...
  10. Reynolds is her VY,
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