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Certifiably Surly
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Deej last won the day on January 30 2024

Deej had the most liked content!


78,682 Surly 1%


About Deej

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  1. Trudy's closing is not a loss. Dart Bowl closing was.
  2. It's not Italian. They are made in Corona, CA.
  3. Telecasters are so indestructible that you nail the studs to them.
  4. I have a half basset. She barks for no fucking reason whatsoever, whenever the urge hits her, which is all the time.
  5. He did a fantastic job covering The Smog Strangler.
  6. You didn't used to be a team trainer, did you?
  7. Wait until you try the sushi at the Rundberg HEB.
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