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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. Stiles Switch for lunch.
  2. I'm always amazed by how many people don't seem to know that volume and tone knobs exist on guitars.
  3. It ain't about the color of your skin.
  4. I've seen less blurry footage of Bigfoot.
  5. I was told there would be no geometry.
  6. Some of you need to discover thermal underwear.
  7. Why am I getting the feeling Helobious is San Antonio's Nicole?
  8. Gotta clear the land for mansions and luxury condos somehow.
  9. "Yeah, well, they all made it out alive, didn't they?" - Guadaloopy
  10. As long as he doesn't use the phrase "tree-fiddy". We saw what happened the last time it was used in court.
  11. Oh, the passengers evacuated alright. Their bowels.
  12. Those crazy Canucks.
  13. Nice humblebrag.
  14. We'd end up with some pedo tow truck driver selling dilly bars to kids. No thank you.
  15. Serves him right
  16. Those Lorne hang it up after 50? Who takes over?
  17. Nobody tell him about abortions.
  18. "DQ, that's what I liked about Texas..."
  19. There's a flap in the back of those shorts, isn't there?
  20. I plan on using the Tonex with headphones. Guitar, pedal, and headphones. Easy to lug around with me.
  21. I'm sure Hot Wheels and Paxton will get right on it, since they care about kids so much.
  22. Thanks, Goredho.
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