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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Deej

  1. Caddyshack has lots of great one-liners and quotable moments, but as an entire film, it's not nearly as good as the other National Lampoon stuff from the early 80s.
    Just read the book on the making of Caddyshack. It was Ramis' first stint as director, the set was out of control, and they changed much of the script and storyline in the middle of filming to accommodate Bill Murray's character, because every time the camera rolled, he was hitting it out of the park. The first cut was four and a half hours long. Geez. They added the gopher in in post-production to tie everything together. It's no surprise it is disjointed, but it's still great and a classic.
  2. Well, maybe.  Except I was 28 years old when "Nevermind" broke, and was always a voracious consumer of music.
    You seem triggered.  It's gonna be OK.  And the Grateful Dead sucks.
    You have obviously not done enough whippets while on acid to truly appreciate The Dead.
  3. 3 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Love me the herp derp run that set up the most satisfying field goal kick ever. Not the best, or most important kick ever, but oh so satisfying. 

    I didn't cheer, or get excited when that kick went through. I just sat and laughed uncontrollably. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, GhostRider said:

    This past Saturday, the wife decided we needed a new table lamp.  So off we go lamp shopping.  Ten different stores ranging from Home Depot to Target to Rooms To Go to small little specialty shops.  Four hours later we still could not find a lamp that she liked.  Frustrated, we return home.  I bring up Amazon and low and behold there are a plethora of lamps that are right up her alley.  She picks one, I order it and it is delivered the next day.  Sunday.  They delivered a lamp in one day on a Sunday!  Now I don't know if that model is sustainable, but it's gotdamn awesome in my book.


    It will be sustainable until they drive damn near everyone else out of business. Then they'll start charging you for shipping that takes 5-7 business days. 

  5. In the category of unpopular opinions, I can't listen to the Beatles, any longer.  I think the production work makes them sound really dated. "Oh, you have to hear the mono versions!" No, I don't. I'm a grownup, now and no longer listen to my music through the crappy little speaker on my record player.  

  6. Man, this is tough. Enjoy the time you have.

    My dad lost his battle with cancer almost 16 years ago. They sent him home to die, with hospice coming by every day. Asked me to burn a CD with nothing but "Paint it Black" on it the day before he died. Still can't listen to that song.

    He was a smartass until the end, though. A few days before, I had my best friend, who was a barber/hair stylist, come over to give him his last haircut. My mom says to him, "I bet it's nice having a cute girl cut your hair."

    He replied, "When is she coming over?"


  7. I’m going to leave it on .5 as well, but the compelling features are the effects loop and the extra preset banks.

    The effects loop may seem like an odd ask on an amp full of onboard effects, but my Ditto looper doesn’t do well in front of an amp.

    And I don’t want to leave it hooked up to a computer all the time so the extra preset banks are appealing.

    Or maybe I’ll just wait for the Air. So many choices...

    I don't even mess with my presets, any more. I get nice tones from that thing with the base settings. Tweak the volume and gain, drop my favorite pedals in front...great little amp. On the 50 watt setting, it will piss off most of my block.
  8. I cracked yesterday and had Amazon deliver an above ground pool. I don't care how white trash it looks. Floating around in that thing with a beverage is fantastic. Fuck this heat.

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  9. 22 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    It ain't that hard to duplicate at home.  Keep jar of bacon grease in fridge.  When making refrieds, add a good dollop of bacon grease to pan before  you add the beans.  Magic.

    The fridge? I use my mom's tried and true method of keeping a coffee can full of bacon grease next to the stove. Maybe I'm flirting with death, but death by bacon grease seems like the way to go out.

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