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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Deej

  1. 2 hours ago, F250 said:

    Yeah, same here. I also remember a program where people put a sign of a hand on their window in neighborhoods to signify it was a safe place to seek help if approached by a stranger.



    When I was a kid, we knew who most people were within a few blocks of the house. We knew where was safe. It doesn't seem like people get to know their neighborhood that well, these days. 

  2. Yeah, P90's are the greatest single-coil ever made, if not the best pickup ever made. They make my heart go pitter-patter. They get raunchy, but clean up so nicely.

    (Off to play my P90 339, now)

  3. 29 minutes ago, BoomMF said:

    Yeah, it seems the Deluxe and the Twin have both modes, which is stellar design work.

    Also, Deej, the Guitar Center off Anderson has a used Custom Twin. 😮

    I know they do. Stop it. 

    Yep, great design on those two channel amps. Really versatile. 

    My 68 Custom PR is such a nice amp. Dead silent. A really rich tone I didn't find in the 65 PRRI. Played them both before buying. Love the silverface cosmetics. LOVES pedals.

    One of my cork sniffer buddies who told me I was a fool for not buying an oringinal PR, now will only plug into mine when he comes over.

    Dropped a pair of NOS Tung Sol 6v6's in it, and changed out the V1 for a NOS GE 5-Star 5751. It just loves a Les Paul with humbuckers on about 3 on the volume. Couldn't get that with the 65 PRRI. It's just butter.

  4. It's not a true silverface circuit, from my understanding, at least on the Princeton. It's got a bassman-type tone stack, and reduced negative feedback. They really don't sound like a silverface. Much more low end, and the mid's aren't scooped. It's a beautiful tone, but it's not a silverface tone. I don't know what the difference internally is between this circuit and a blackface, but this guy said he did some minimal rewiring and put the push/pull in. I'll try to find the thread, but he did not use some sort of chip. Changed some resistor values and some minor rewiring. 


    (Just looked it up, and the tone circuit is based on a blackface bassman, apparently.)



  5. Silverface in aesthetics only. I've actually got the Custom 68 Princeton, but the whole range is nice. I played through the Custom 68 Twin a few weeks ago. I was tempted. Keeping my eye out for a used one. 

    Guy on TDPRI has put a push/pull pot on his Custom Princeton (or Deluxe, can't remember) that switches his between the stock and blackface circuits. 

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