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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Deej

  1. 4 minutes ago, ohchaucer said:

    If I ding the guitar making music, fine.  If a guitar is dinged making the guitar, then it's wall art:  a tribute to the art it's made to produce.

    That said, I dig that strat, Deej, and secretly would love an SRV strat.  Because Austin.

    Thanks. And like I said, it wasn't something Fender Custom shop was charging $3000 for. The guy took a older MIM Strat that was already dinged that he bought off of CL for cheap and turned it into what it is now. That I'm cool with. I also thought the color and the job he did worked well together. I also like that the nitro is starting to show my wear. 

  2. And you should be.  I'm not saying I dislike relics - the LPs I posted above are just that.  I'm just saying there's a vibe that goes with a worn in guitar that isn't the same as a relic'd guitar.  
    But enough talk.  Show us the relic'd guitar!
    I've shown it before, but hey, new site. Posterity and all...

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  3. I have one relic'd guitar. Traded gear I wasn't using for it and cash. The guitar was well set up, played great, and had a really comfortable neck. I'm happy with it, and I don't represent it as something it's not. I actually like the look of it, but I wouldn't shell out a few grand or more for a relic. This is a $300 MIM Strat that someone with a bit of skill, stripped, painted with nitro , and aged, and I paid nothing for. I'm cool with that. 

  4. Yeah, hopefully they'll get stronger. Still not bad. Nice to hear something other than overproduced hipster music getting some love. Kid sounds just like Robert Plant to me. It's creepy, almost. Plant, btw, gave them some love this last week. 

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