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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Deej

  1. Yeah, hopefully they'll get stronger. Still not bad. Nice to hear something other than overproduced hipster music getting some love. Kid sounds just like Robert Plant to me. It's creepy, almost. Plant, btw, gave them some love this last week. 

  2. On 3/31/2018 at 11:19 AM, Armybrat said:

    They are too stupid to understand such juvenile behavior is an embarrassment for them and that madrasa school of theirs.

    Nothing is an embarrassment to aggy.

  3. Did 14 hours non-stop on a full 747-400 to Auckland in coach. Ugh. Two movies and three meals. Took two Xanax and had a couple of drinks for the trip back. Passed out an hour into the flight and woke up 30 minutes before landing. Lesson learned.

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