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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. The album the Stones should have done in 1988...
  2. Counterpoint... My rent on a two bedroom house in Hyde Park was $300. It wasn't hard to come up with 300 bucks then.
  3. Enjoying the thought that AI prompts are being forwarded to Brat's Jitterbug phone.
  4. Fucking Romeo Rose was the only thing that kept Adler from being perfect?
  5. Big Arch isn't really a 5 star - aggy
  6. "If you're not entertained, you're probably German"
  7. It was a great run, and every one of those three is in the running. It's just that Exile is so diverse and so gritty.
  8. Apparently he was a serious alcoholic when he made Super Size Me. I can't imagine why his liver enzymes were off the charts at the end of his month of McDonald's.
  9. Take the fucking handcuffs off Ukraine already. Fuck whatever weapons they are using. Russia is hitting inside Ukraine with Chinese, North Korean, and Iranian weaponry. Make it a fair fight.
  10. It's not, but dumbasses are going to do their best to make it one.
  11. Attrition: Where Have All the Soldiers Gone in Russia https://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htatrit/articles/202405190423.aspx
  12. Good chefs no longer want any part of this shitshow.
  13. Never been to the aggy pool party bbq, I take it.
  14. No. She needs to stop the forward shoulder slump, too. Own being tall and thin.
  15. Got a new shirt to go with my Tele on band night.
  16. I've got a $300 Yamaha acoustic that does exactly what I need it to do.
  17. Any "boil" that needs the nasty parts cooked off with kerosene is a no for me..
  18. They've built a new bridge since then.
  19. Indecency with a child or a kid?
  20. I've got Google Fiber and I have the Series X wired into the router. Downloads are plenty fast.
  21. Probably wouldn't be difficult to have one made. aggy did.
  22. They even fuck up cocktails in Wisconsin. Old Fashioneds with Sprite and Brandy. https://www.liquor.com/recipes/brandy-old-fashioned/
  23. How could everything not?
  24. Fuck them for not somehow knowing you wanted cheese when you forgot to tell them. That is some bullshit. Fucking Chicago.
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