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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. Qatar already got all the confidential information they needed.
  2. The only thing that can save this season is bringing Padma back and putting her in a hotel room with Nigella, but sharing a bed this time.
  3. I'd like to see the pics of the law enforcement officers who stood by and did nothing with self-inflicted gunshot wounds to their heads, but since they are cool with their inaction, I'm probably never gonna see them.
  4. Wheatsville Co-op announced they will be closing the store on Guadalupe. https://austin.eater.com/2024/5/22/24162769/wheatsville-coop-closing-guadalupe-austin-grocery-supermarket
  5. Sorry about your dial-up connection.
  6. Now we know what they'll be using that hole in the middle of the disc for.
  7. Sounds like you should get a bike and use those bike lanes.
  8. Just like last week's episode, they had a cranberry quickfire followed by an elimination challenge requiring cooking with only indigenous ingredients.
  9. https://www.kxan.com/investigations/emotional-promises-from-austin-leaders-after-kxan-hospital-safety-report/
  10. That would be Season 12, Boston. They had a cranberry challenge then. This show has run out of ideas.
  11. I'm willing to bet she drives a Subaru.
  12. Is that like Sharpies in the butt?
  13. Found shortly after meeting Nicole on Rainey Street.
  14. "My dog has to potty all the time, potty all the time, potty all the tiiiime..."
  15. A girl I work with stopped me today and said "you met my boyfriend last week" huh? Turned out when I was out at the Long Play Lounge with my two dogs, he came up to meet them. Went home and told her about these two cool dogs he met and described them. "Oh, that's Deej. He works with me." Haha. I guess they are pretty recognizable
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