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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. Bitches love cute dogs. Why not use it to your advantage?
  2. Geology. He should know something about rocks since his head is full of them.
  3. Ten bucks says he's not white.
  4. That's the HEB model. Thirty checkout lanes and only two open during peak hours.
  5. SXSNuge
  6. Well, she can still earn on OnlyScatFans.com, formerly known as ShaggyBevo.
  7. Except for one small detail.
  8. He looks like he rolls out of bed in the mornings that sweaty.
  9. But how can Surly find flaws in her if they're fake?
  10. They aren't the same thing. Dogs are much easier to train than children. My dogs knew not to shit inside shortly after being taken away from their mothers. Children are still shitting their diapers until after they're two.
  11. Deej

    Nintendo Switch

    I'm going to wait for the OLED model.
  12. Snitches get ditches.
  13. What the fuck is wrong with you. The store out of Bota Boxes last night?
  14. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/1-dead-after-afd-pulls-body-from-water-in-downtown-austin/
  15. She's back! https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/1-dead-after-afd-pulls-body-from-water-in-downtown-austin/
  16. I'm still trying to figure out where in Austin Lone Star 9-1-1 took place.
  17. Did the cops stand outside until the situation resolved itself?
  18. I think more humans than dogs shit in Austin greenspaces. I bet you're a lot of fun at a Chinese wet market.
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