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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. "Say Yeti Yard one more time, motherfucker!"
  2. Is she still dating Travis Kelce?
  3. Wife walks in..."Are you masturbating to college baseball?"
  4. I love attorneys acting like it's the other attorneys who are scumbags.
  5. Is he teaching, or will he be an attendee?
  6. "OK, team. The first thing you want to judge is how the wool feels on your member as you slip it in and out of the sheep's rectum."
  7. I took a soils class at UT. Worst. Class. Ever.
  8. Sure, it was the chart.
  9. That game ain't ever coming back.
  10. Then Elon will just bork your car remotely.
  11. Now, with vehicle inspections a thing of the past in Texas, you'll have many more random car parts flying into the path of your vehicle at a high rate of speed.
  12. Pre-rush hour.
  13. It's a stroke.
  14. You are the epitome of everything you complain about.
  15. They seem a little too...ummm...cozy.
  16. Maybe not the fuckers going 45 in the left lane every goddamned morning.
  17. David Chang is going to sue you for using his trademarked term "chili crisp".
  18. It's very blackberry forward, to the point of the actual Dr. Pepper flavor tasting too thin.
  19. Haha... https://www.kxan.com/news/weird-reactions-austin-tesla-owner-talks-about-hate-hes-received-after-buying-car/
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