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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. aggy could finish 8th in the Big 12 if they switched conferences. Maybe..
  2. "This is their second win against the Big 12" Does that really mean anything? It's like winning the 100 meters in the Special Olympics without having a handicap.
  3. Until they address that shit, the Big 12 will always be a joke.
  4. No, it's not. Glad you think it's ok for the government and leadership to go ahead and fuck everyone over because that's what they "deserve"
  5. If anyone can get the Project Connect cost down, it will be Fitlump. It costs nothing to run a train on her.
  6. Yormark has yet to figure out what team in the new Big 12 needs to be fucked over.
  7. Too damn cheap, yet our city council passes a budget $1 billion dollars more than Dallas'. I can't imagine why everyone feels like being cheap.
  8. Brando is perfect for Big 12 football. Both think they are much better than they really are.
  9. Glory days...well they'll pass you by...
  10. aggy has been dreaming about all white since their school integrated.
  11. Uh-oh. Aggies Recruiting about to get shut down.
  12. Dedicated curbside pedi-cab lane. Why just one grift when you can have two?
  13. Narrowing the runways to accommodate bike lanes.
  14. He took poultry science because aggy schooling is a fucking joke.
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