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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. People who want their kids to shut the fuck up?
  2. I'd say he's the best person for the job.
  3. The Chik Fil A on 6th is open until midnight, if you want a romantic late-night with your wife.
  4. Not cool of Schloss to pass judgement on the fans' choice of sexual entertainment. So what they wanted some milkmen grinding their cocks in their faces?
  5. How many women could he have choked out in a long career at Texas. The world will never know.
  6. They have one.
  7. Oh, you were talking about rain.
  8. Well, we don't need dumbasses on the team.
  9. The Beard apologists would have been begging for Charlie Strong or Tom Herman to be fired if they'd been accused of what Beard was accused of. Tells you all you need to know about those folks.
  10. Yep. Can't trust the decision making of anyone that lets that situation happen.
  11. And it's all Beard's fault.
  12. Derka is more than a handful.
  13. Acid washed jorts FTW!!
  14. And their buildings aren't in any danger of collapsing.
  15. Probably made them work for free.
  16. So, discussing the death threat was idiotic, but the death threat itself is ok with them.
  17. Says the only actor who still gets dwarf roles.
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