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Everything posted by utfan87

  1. But will he commit to the same time again?
  2. He’s scored 11.7 ppg at ucf. Texas nor Kansas is going to be offering nil incentive for him.
  3. It’s already been discussed but we may pass on recruiting any LB after last years class.
  4. The correct answer is 1,1. There’s only 0 and 1.
  5. He shouldn’t have been playing it in hs either
  6. When he went 2-8 or whatever it was at a 2A high school we knew he wasn’t going to be some great athlete or qb.
  7. Well that’s what pedos do, they get super jealous
  8. Makes way more sense when reading it that way.
  9. So Texas told him to fuck off and he still picks us?
  10. Youre correct in the context that shorter qbs is the trend in the nfl
  11. Stroud is 6’3”
  12. This perfectly sums up the Herman years
  13. Did Bryce Underwood show up to the camp today? Was this another Roshon Johnson winning the race and grabbing the mic to commit?
  14. Some sophomore in Washington jumped dang near out of the pit
  15. Mark Henry is on a knee walker right now. He’s not standing up straight.
  16. The kid is a stud qb. He will be going to a p5 as a qb
  17. Don’t really have a good grip on this hire because he’s not in our region so not sure what his perception is among coaching circles. He coaches at the best of the Austin schools but they are in a really bad district that he just beats up on regularly. Miller would’ve clearly been the HR hire but this is a weird position for a coach that has only been a HC for a few seasons to take. Fenner has only been the HC at LBJ since ‘18. Sorry a lot of words to say nothing. This job should be easy to fill. You just go to this site https://www.thsca.com/board
  18. Does he bring Hale with him?
  19. These one year rentals have no downside. If they work out great if not they are gone in a year. That’s why it works so well in the mlb.
  20. So much for that new contract that he signed making him off limits.
  21. He wouldn’t be burning any bridges the thsca and hs coaches love seeing one of their own promoted. You are the president elect for a year before you take over which wouldn’t be until next July. The current president would most likely stay on for two years which is exactly what King did.
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