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Everything posted by GabrielsHorn

  1. Ton of fans at Pepsi Center. I know it’s better for the tank, but it hurt to lose that way.
  2. How was New Mexico Tech? Also, that is how it was at UT as well. I remember getting my first dif eq test back and seeing a 40 and trying to figure out whether to drop the class or switch majors before the professor revealed the average was a 25.
  3. He's such a cunt about this system and not just recognizing that Texas is an outlier. Also, Tennessee being ranked above us is a fucking joke.
  4. 6ers would be morons to sign off on that. Another Klutch client that may start a shit show to get traded. As for Davis, he can walk to LA in 2020, but it'd be at a significantly reduced pay check to if they trade him and it'd be with a Lebron that's two years older. Can he wait that much longer to go there if he does want to legitimately compete? That alone is why Davis/Lakers will still have that offer there in the summer, regardless if the Celtics want to give Tatum up or not.
  5. Actually just got a code in an email.
  6. I’d be down to get a code and run it with y’all this weekend.
  7. I wonder how long that'll be just due to some of the balance issues with each legend. Some would definitely need to be tweaked for it, particularly the support classes. I'd love to have just a solos queue though as some stacked teams can be really, really damn good. Got to the end last night and a team pulled off a double flank on us in the last circle/building, which was both really fun to try and counter and frustrating for sucking. Seems like it should have some staying power though:
  8. What are your thoughts on it so far? Won with Bloodraven, and almost won with Vahe until we got screwed at the end
  9. Sad about the wall running, but loved how they mixed in some of the different gear to each of the characters. I’ll be on tonight as I hope it’s downloading right now.
  10. He also has a roster that went completely all-in and still required the worst call in NFL history to put up 3 points as an offensive genius in the Super Bowl.
  11. Hahahahaha get fucked LA
  12. I'm definitely in as I loved the pilot movement and gunplay in TF2. Also happy that this isn't replacing TF3, but a bit confused why it's coming so close to Anthem being released. I'll be on to squad up whenever it drops tomorrow.
  13. Rams playing like a team that didn't deserve to be there in the first place.
  14. Rams get away with so much PI. That grab is blatant
  15. Between Shep and Bru, I guess you can shitpost things into existence
  16. Played it for a bit (just enough to unlock second Javelin and then got Storm). Was pretty fun, particularly when people are synergizing. Still think I am going to just check out the first 10 hours on EA Access to figure out if I like it or not as it seems like some of the Javelins are better than others and it may have some of the issues The Division had when it launched (very beefy enemies unless you're playing with others). Seems like it's much more competition for Warframe/The Division than Destiny though as the gunplay is just okay. The abilities are really the highlight and a ton of fun to use, though.
  17. Gibson must really hate the sharks
  18. Didn’t Bru tell the coaches yesterday? Doesn’t seem like it matters as it would get out from someone on either side.
  19. It is only a short drive away. I’m sure he can be there by noon.
  20. Not going full CR, but it makes some sense. By forcing the diplomats to leave, they would be recognizing Maduro's power and not really supporting Guaido's power as he requested the US to stay.
  21. Leave the pitchfork, bring the french press.
  22. NFL got the matchup it wanted
  23. Why do I bother watching the NFL?
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