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  1. BitCoins to Bombs? Really? Looks like a rinkydink rag and report. There’s plenty of things that are for more Important to consider wrt bitcoin and its adoption than N Korea allegedly stealing $3 billion of Bitcoin over 6 years. At least say Russia is using it. Maybe Saudi Arabia. Let’s really scare some people here. Cmon man
  2. The question comes down to, do you think bitcoin demonitizes gold over time? Not whether you think it should, because that is irrelevant. If you think it will then it makes sense for our Treasury to hold some just as it holds gold.
  3. Word is getting around that this could be one of the first executive orders signed. It's not the large plan to buy 1 million coins, that would require legislation.
  4. Pretty good short explainer for their target audience
  5. So is Quinn really not going to enter the draft after this season?
  6. When they use convertible bonds, they are pre-announced because they have to state sizing, maturation, interest rate etc. These are being bought by selling equity. They have the largest ever at the market shelf offering ever filed. Nasdaq 100 Index: What It Is, How It's Weighted and Traded
  7. Sorry I didn’t put together that you’ve never had a hardware wallet. Unchained does a concierge onboarding where they hold your hand through the entire process of setting stuff up. You’ll feel very comfortable with the setup when you’re done. it will be a 2 of 3 setup meaning there’s 3 sets of private keys. Two signatures are needed to move coins. You’ll hold two keys on two separate hardware wallets and Unchained has the 3rd. So if you lost the seed phrase to one of your own wallets then with Unchained you could still move or sell your coins with their key and your second one you hold. It adds an extra layer of backup to holding your coins. And, like I said, they deal with not tech savvy people all the time and will make setup easy.
  8. I use Unchained for my multisig cold storage. You can schedule a consultation with them to go over how they set up the vaults to store your coin. I believe it’s $250 annually to have it set up. You’ve been around a while so the coin balance is probably getting large where it’s a little daunting. I found their set up to be straightforward. More security, more peace of mind, but you still control your coins. https://unchained.com
  9. Congrats to the all the QQQ holders. You’re no longer nocoiners. You can use the lightning network for quick payments. Even used for micropayments. I’ve used it to stream sats to creators through podcasting apps like Fountain. And AI agents will pay each other over lightning as well.
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